Sunday, June 29, 2008
Milky Mama
Fenugreek works wonders. Seriously just a few hours after I took it my supply has increased...a lot. I'm super excited lol! Just had to share!
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Why Didn't I Get These Before
So when Spencer was born "he" brought the kids Leapsters. They are THE best thing EVER!!! They are like babysitters for my kids. I probably should get them each a real game but for now they are completely content w/ the demo that came w/ it. I'm telling ya'll these things are worth their weight in gold! A total bargain for 50 bucks! For 50 bucks I get peace and quiet. No crying screaming fighting or asking me for juice or a snack or a movie. It's bliss!
Doctor Doctor
After another day/night of Spencer acting like he was in pain and lots of research on the internet we took him to the doctor this morning. I think he has silent reflux so the doc gave us Zantac for him. Hopefully it works and we have out sweet calm little guy back!
Friday, June 27, 2008
Cute Kids
It's Almost Over
Not much to report here...its been a rough a 4 o'clock margarita kinda day..hey it was 5 o'clock on the east coast! lol I'll try to update later!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Blogger Brain
Anyone else find themselves "writing" their blog in their heads. Last night when I was going to bed I had a couple of things running through my head about what I wanted to write about on here. Kinda writing the post in my head lol. Of course since I have the worlds worst short term memory I now have no recollection of what the hell those things were but I swear they were very interesting!
To Do List
My tenative to do list! Just jotting it down here so I don't forget anything!
1) store
2) kitchen organized (side note...I did get the dishes put away about 10 minutes ago!)
3) finish laundry (very close..very excited! first time in MONTHS all laundry will be clean AND put away..woohoo!)
4) organize Spencers room
5) try to figure out how to personalize this blog a little bit and add more pictures
Hopefully I'll get it all done!
1) store
2) kitchen organized (side note...I did get the dishes put away about 10 minutes ago!)
3) finish laundry (very close..very excited! first time in MONTHS all laundry will be clean AND put away..woohoo!)
4) organize Spencers room
5) try to figure out how to personalize this blog a little bit and add more pictures
Hopefully I'll get it all done!
Funny Story
7lbs 11oz 21 1/4" long
Finally getting him back!
"Are these people really my parents"
My lil bundle of joy!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Check It Out
I just added a ton of blogs!!! Kinda pissed because I had been adding them as I went along but I forgot to save them lol. So I just went through and added like 854 new blogs...well not really but it felt that way!
OMG I'm totally freaking out right now! My highschool reunion is NEXT year. Where did those TEN years go. Holy Crap. That means I only have a few months get totally in shape again. I will not go to this reunion w/ any extra baggage. Crap! Looks like I won't be eating anything for the next 6 months!
If this was at my first high school I wouldn't mind much but it isn't. Its at the high school where everyone is rich and the girls are perfect. OK, I know not everyone that goes there is rich and not every girl is perfect but still. So I'm not rich..that hasn't changed from when I was in school. But damnit I had the perfect thing down until I had kids. Damn. This realization has totally ruined my night. I will seriously lay awake all night thinking of this stupid reunion. Hmmm...maybe I can hire someone who looks just like me only slightly smaller. Hey, its a thought!
If this was at my first high school I wouldn't mind much but it isn't. Its at the high school where everyone is rich and the girls are perfect. OK, I know not everyone that goes there is rich and not every girl is perfect but still. So I'm not rich..that hasn't changed from when I was in school. But damnit I had the perfect thing down until I had kids. Damn. This realization has totally ruined my night. I will seriously lay awake all night thinking of this stupid reunion. Hmmm...maybe I can hire someone who looks just like me only slightly smaller. Hey, its a thought!
Well I Lied
The kitchen is still a mess. But its not all my fault I swear! I need unload the dishwasher and load some dirty dishes but I don't want to unload the dishes because I don't have a clue where to put them! My house is still under construction and while my kitchen in 90 percent finished there are still tools and stuff in there and other misc. crap in my cabinets and drawers. The good news...I cleared out 2 drawers today and just need to vacuum them out now. Progress people...I'm makin it..just very very slowly.
Some more progress I made today..I found (well Jerry found) my cord for my camera so I actually have pictures on my computer now. Unfortunately that just makes more work for me because now I have to decide which ones I'm putting on here and on myspace and then edit them and then upload them. See how much work that is...I'm tired just thinking about it. It's on my list though. Maybe I'll get some done tonight but definetly by the end of the week...I swear.
Some more progress I made today..I found (well Jerry found) my cord for my camera so I actually have pictures on my computer now. Unfortunately that just makes more work for me because now I have to decide which ones I'm putting on here and on myspace and then edit them and then upload them. See how much work that is...I'm tired just thinking about it. It's on my list though. Maybe I'll get some done tonight but definetly by the end of the week...I swear.
Nothing Accomplished Today
Whew...last night was a rough one w/ Spencer. Jerry was up until about 4 with him and then he woke me up. I don't know whats going on w/ little man. He seems very uncomfortable when he eats and sometimes just screams like hes in pain. I'm sure its just gas but its still very disturbing to me. So I think I may try him on some new bottles or something...any suggestions out there? So I went back to bed around 8 and got up at 11 w/ a headache from hell. I have just been taking it easy all day basically leaving the kids to fend for themselves lol. Ok not really but they have actually been really good today and little man is finally catching some zzzz's. I think I'm going to try and tackle the kitchen in a minute and get at least one full load of laundry done today. Oh and the kiddos want to do that right now!!!
Sunday, June 22, 2008
I Can't Even Imagine!
Wow! I just had Spencer...less than 8 lbs..I can't imagine having that TWENTY THREE POUNDS of baby inside of my body! No thank you! She has to feel a BAJILLION times better since having those babies...My body hurts just thinking about it!
Wow! I just had Spencer...less than 8 lbs..I can't imagine having that TWENTY THREE POUNDS of baby inside of my body! No thank you! She has to feel a BAJILLION times better since having those babies...My body hurts just thinking about it!
Saturday, June 21, 2008
A Long Night
Last night was kinda rough. Spencer wasn't feeling real well so he was up for quite a while this morning....not fun! I think his tummy was pretty upset and I felt so bad for him but man I wanted that kid to go to sleep. No such luck! He ended up sleeping on Jerry's chest until he had to go to work but by then it was after 6 so not much sleep to be had before the DJ and Maddie got up. Needless to say nothing has been done around the house today lol. The kids are dressed, me and Spence are not and Jerry is STILL at work. (Yay for work cause we can definetly use the $25/hr he makes when he gets called in...but damn I really wish he were home!) So far today kids are being pretty good, thank God and Spence Man is asleep..woohoo! Long list of to-do's today so I'm really ready for Jerry to get home so we can get some stuff done!
I'm Baaaack.....I think!
Well I think I am going to try this blogging thing again. Mainly to keep up with the kiddos daily activies and have a journal of what is going on with our newest addition, a sweet little boy named Spencer. He was born June 8th at 6:50 weighing 7lbs 11oz and 20 1/4" long. So far he is a wonderful baby....keeping our fingers crossed. Going to bed now and will try to be back tomorrow!
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