Monday, August 1, 2011

And Baby Makes SIX!!!

Yes, it's true! We are going to have another baby!!!! At first we were completely shocked by the news but once the reality of everything settled in we got pretty excited! I'm the most excited I think! For the hubs it's exciting and terrifying all at the same time because he's trying to find a job and it's turning out to be much harder out here in Cali than it was in Arkansas! BUT I have faith that everything will work out the way it is supossed to! Moving to Cali was such a giant leap of faith for both of us and so far it's turning out pretty dang good so I have to believe that God had a plan for us to move away from my home town to Cali to start over and this baby seems like a great place to start!

The BIG kids are thrilled! DJ of course wants a brother, but honestly I think he'd be okay with a brother or a sister. Maddie on the other hand REALLY wants a sister!!! She told me tonight that she would be REALLY ANGRY if we "got a brother." I laughingly explained that it was up to God to decide whether or not we get a sister or a brother and that we should be happy with either one...I don't think she was too thrilled with my answer lol!

I secretly...okay NOT so secretly REALLY want a GIRL too!!! I really want Mads to have a sister but honestly I will be thrilled with another baby period! (But dear god, please please PLEASE let us have a girl) :)

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