Friday, January 16, 2009

Shots and Pepper Spray

Let me just set the scene for you.....last night I'm laying trying to take a nap w/ Spencer asleep in my arms. Jerry is in the kitchen mashing the potatoes to complete 2 of the 3 dinners I made yesterday. All of a sudden Madison comes tearing towards me with her hands over her eyes SCEAMING BLOODY MURDER! "MY EYES! MY EYES! DJ SPRAYED MY EYEEEEEEEEESSSSS!" I knew it was serious when she wouldn't stop screaming so I was like Jerry come here somethings wrong with Madison! And then DJ starts screaming "Ughhhh MY MOUTH! OUCH! OUCH! MY MOUTH! IT HUUURRRTSSS!"

Want to guess what she was sprayed with?

My first guess was windex. Then I rembered that handy dandy little keychain pepper spay that I bought the other day for the pitbull that looks at us like we're his lunch when we go for our walks. It was supossed to be childproofed.

My kids proved that it wasn't! Thank God Jerry was home to help me deal with the chaos that erupted around our house for the next 30 minutes. I was on the phone with poison control because as stupid as it sounds I was afraid to flush her eyes out with water in case the water made it worse or something. So I answered all questions and after about 5 minutes (glad it wasn't serious or anything) the lady said "okay go ahead and flush her eyes with water and let Derrick suck on a tums."

So we flushed her eyes and she hated every second of it. And DJ sucked on a popsicle because I don't have any tums!

Oh, and Spencer got his first round of shots yesterday! He took em like a champ! He was a little cranky later in the day but nothing major. So now we're playing catch up w/ shots but we should be caught up soon. He is the first out of all three of the kids that had his shots w/out Jerry there. I hate shots but even I did okay yesterday!!!

But after the pepperspray incident I drank me some wiiiiiiinnnnnnnnneeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

News To Me

So a little over a week ago I found out that one of my friends bosses was a lever 4 sex offender. In the state of Arkansas thats considered a violent sex offender just in case you're wondering. So knowing that he had been around her children I called her terrified that she had been unknowingly allowing a level four violent sex offender around her children. Now being that this was her boss and it is also her husbands boss, I didn't expect her to quit her job because that would be stupid. She still has bills to pay and a family to support. But the reply I received absolutely blew my fucking mind. "Yeah, I've known for three years, no surprise here." she said to me.

Ya know what, that all fine and fucking well if its just your kids that have been around him but that's not the case. I have UNKNOWINGLY allowed my kids to be around him because I had no fucking clue. Had I known, the man would have never been with in a 10 mile radius of my children. She knew for THREE years and NEVER told me. Is it not her responisbility as a fellow mother to inform me and allow me to make a decision whether or not to make the choice to allow him around my kids? That is what I'm the most upset about. She allowed a sex offender to be around my children. She had zero right to let that happen. I am disgusted.

And then she tried to make excuses for him. Tried to tell me why he got bumped up to a level 4 offended. Um, well honey, he got bumped up because he took a 16 year old to a hotel room, drugged her, and tried to raped, yeah that pretty much does it.

I have waited a little over two weeks to put this on my blog. I know I have to get it out but I'm not even sure that now is the right time. I'm not sure I'm getting all that I want to across. I feel like she left my children vulernable to a predator. This is supossed to be one of my best friends. And instead of ever saying she was sorry she defended herself and this sick mother fucker to me. And then she went on to tell me that I was ending our friendship of 9 years over a difference of opinion. How the fuck do you figure?

A difference of fucking opionion? Am I the only one that doesn't see that??? It's not a difference of opinion........its a matter of keeping my children safe at all costs. I would never expose her children to something like that. I am still somewhat dumbfounded by the entire situation. I am mad as hell and will never leave my kids with her again but yet DJ and Mads keep asking for her two kids who they have basically grown up with. I feel like I am stuck between a rock and a hard place.

All either one of them really had to do was say I'm really sorry, I should have told you. I still wouldn't have let my kids go to their house but the animosity wouldn't be there. But I am overflowing with it. Almost to the point where its eating me alive. How can she take my kids innocence and even her own kids innocence for granted like that? There is no sense to any of it.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Crushing Realiziation

Today was a rough day in the Leatherman household. We are in the midst of trying to teach Spencer how to sleep through the night. Its so hard when he wakes up at 3 am and I know all I have to do is lay down with him and snuggle and pop a bottle into his mouth and we will both drift back into dreamland rather quickly but instead I have to get up and rock him and pat him and not give him his bottle. How cruel does that sound? But his doctor told me that he is old enough to not need to eat throughout the night and I agree but its hard and it sucks!

It other news. As you all know I wanted desperately to put the two big kids in daycare over Chistmas break. I didn't do it though and we actually had a pretty good time and I can prove it because they are both still living and breathing! During Christmas break though I had a really hard time w/ the boy. Yes, Maddie drives me nuts. That girl gets into everything! Just tonight she cut my measuring tape and she talks constantly but I think its pretty typical of a 4 year old girl. DJ on the other hand is constantly going. Sometimes I would swear that he is battery operated..he keeps going and going and going. I had serious suspiscions over Xmas break about him being ADHD but Jerry told me it was because he was cooped up and bored and my mom said the same thing so I let it go but OMG after today I am convinced and so sad that my sweed boy is afflicted with this. Looking back the signs have been there for a long time I think. I'm just not sure we knew what to look for and a lot we chalked up to him just being a kid. A lot I still do. Before we jump to medicine we are going to try Krill Oil and try to cut out Red dye 40 from our diet. ( I seriously used to think people were crazy for doing this but I'm desperate and will try anything.)

The biggest eye opener today was that after a dose of Loracet (more on that in a sec) he wasn't even phased. He was all over everything today. Climbing on my furniture. Jumping all over everything. JUMPING off my kitchen cabinets. Trying to put Spencer over the baby gates. Talking and sceaming and yelling non-stop. By the end of the day I was at the end of my rope.

Now here's why he was on Loracet...his second time to be on Loracet by the way..the first was when he knocked his tooth out on a step! Yesterday Madison and him decided (and I'm sure it was Madison's idea) to get into my skewers and he got his eye poked with one of them! (I can't tell you how many times I've told them not to play w/ the skewers because "somebody's going to get their eye poked out"...but what does mom know?) It happened around 10 am and we called his eye doctor and they told us that if it was still bothering him in a few hours to take him into the ER. He laid on me most of the day w/ his eye closed. The tv hurt his eye, the light hurt it, it was horrible! So around 3 we took him to the ER. They did this cool dye thing to his eye where they looked at it w/ a blacklight and it turned orange and he had a huge scratch right across his cornea. So they gave him antibiotic ointment and loracet for the next four days.

As much as I hate that he got hurt I have to tell you I was really looking forward to the subdued-ness the Loracet would deliver................I was VERY disappointed! I gave him tylenol at bedtime just in case the Loracet made him crazy cause this mama wasn't taking any chances!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

I'm Such A Goofball!

So I'm all hooked back up on my laptop and here I am sitting at the desktop. Makes no sense to all. But oh well at least I'm back on here right?

Things have been busy around here. I have started this year off on the right foot I think. I have made it ALL about me! Just kidding...sorta. I have decided this is my year to quit smoking (which I have done), to seriously cut back on my drinking (again I have done this too so far!) and to lose weight and I started on that this week.

I am not changing too much at once. I cut back on the Dr. Peppers I was drinking. I was drinking upwards of 6-8 a day and now I only allow myself 2 and instead chug down gallons of water! I've started taking some vitamins but need to add in a few more like a B Complex for good measure. And today I started walking. Yeah it was only for 20 minutes but it was mostly uphill pushing about 30 lbs worth of stroller and baby. I feel good.

My other big thing is to take better care of me in general. Doing my hair every day. Putting on makeup. The whole shabang!

And the best part of all of these changes is I think that if I can accomplish them and make myself a better person all around then I will in turn be a better mother to my children and that's what its all about!!!!

Oh, and of course I'm going to try to start trying to get on here at least once a day again. We'll see how I do!

Monday, January 5, 2009


#1. Get my laptop hooked back up so I will blog again. I guess I am the laziest person ever because its not like its hard to connect the battery thingy to my laptop and turn it on I just keep avoiding the task and then when I have something I want to write about I don't do it because it means getting up and getting on the desktop and I am really to lazy for all that. So, I am going to go hook up my laptop and will post again soon with the rest of my resolutions!

And for what its worth yesterday was my first completely smoke free day in over 6 years!!!!! Its pretty awesome!
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