Our "family" reunion. We met at On The Border and I'm pretty sure we were all pretty damn nervous! I know mom had a giant drink before we got there and I took a xanax because I just don't do well with new situations.
Mom walked in before I did and by the time I got inside she was hugging Amanda. For me it was instant recognition and I felt like I had found a missing piece of my life. My heart felt like it jumped right out of my body and attatched itself to my sister. She immediately let go of my mom and we both enveloped ourselves in each others arms. I have to admit I didn't want to let go. I was almost afraid she wasn't real and if I let go she'd disappear. We let go and she met our brother for the first time since he was a baby. Then all the introductions began. She introduced us to her boyfriend of 5 years and I introduced her to my husband and our 3 kids. We promptly sat down at our table and ordered a pitcher of premium margaritas to take the edge off I guess. We ordered our apps and then entrees and then the 3 of us girls decided to go outside and have a smoke break.
Being just the 3 of us out there the conversations started to get a little deep and emotional so I tried to steer everyone away from that. I did NOT want to cry even though I sit here typing this out and crying lol. Dinner went great. Ordered another pitcher of margaritas and I truly didn't want the evening to end. But as you know all great things must come to an end so we all said our goodbyes and made plans for the weekend of Thanksgiving. Her and Corey are going to come to my mom's house the Sat. after thanksgiving and we are going to drink and play games and have tons of fun. I can't wait.
After all these years and especially the past few years w/ our dad dying, and both of my grandparents dying seeing her felt like I was getting a part of my family back. Words can't begin to express how much that means to me. And although I kept all my emotions in check on Saturday night the past two days I have been an emotional wreck. Crying whenever I talk about her or write about her for that matter. And they are not sad tears at all. I'm overwhelmed and it seems the only way for me to express how happy I am is to shed a few tears.
It doesn't help that I know my Dad must be looking down and be so happy that we have all found each other again. Making him happy makes me happy!
k i almost cried too.... my meds must be working lol last week i would have totally broken down lol... but im sooooo happy for you and the fam and yes your dad is proud of you im sure of it... in fact did ya'll play music trivia by chance cause if so you know for sure he was there too :) just soooo happy for the family
Do you mean name that tune? No we didn't play but honestly we weren't even hearing the music lol!!! Glad your meds are kicking in!
Yeah! I am so happy for you guys and my goodness you definitely look alike!
Lol...Migraine Mom there is no blood relation between the two of us BUT I used to get all the time that me and my dad (her real dad) looked alike and we would always look at each other and laugh.
And I swear my son, D.J., my dad's namesake, has inherited some of my "dads" traits...especailly the stinky feet!
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