Wednesday, May 6, 2009

When I Grow Up

This is all I've heard from my kids lately...Mads has decided she is going to have 6 babies, be an acrobat (see previous post) have a little dog, and yesterday asked who would be the daddy to her babies. Whoa girl...gettin ahead of yourself don't ya think? She tells me all the time what she's going to do when she gets her own house!

Her: "I'm going to have six babies."

Me: "Oh yeah whose going to clean up all the messes?"

Her: "Me."

Me: "Well you don't clean up after yourself now how are you going to clean a whole house?"

Her: " Well, you can come to my house next door and help me."

Me: "uh, ya think?"

So my girl has it all figured out at the ripe old age of four. All she has to do is pick out her babies daddy! She scares the ever lovin shit out of me. We've already decided we will ground her from age 13 to age 30!!!!

1 comment:

Brooke said...

LOL!!!! Gotta love how the 4 year old mind works!

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