Thursday, May 28, 2009

Star Student

DJ was awarded Star Student at the pre-K graduation ceremony today. He was the FIRST one called up on stage and he was ecstatic.

In previous assemblies if he didn't get to go on stage for student of the month or most improved he was devastated.

But his star student award is his pride and joy. He's over the moon about it and I'm over the moon about him right now.

Maddie received an award ribbon that says "I Did It" because even though she's not in the older class she is still going to kindergarten next year.

I took pics but they didn't turn out very good...I think my camera was on the wrong setting. I may post one or two...I know I still haven't posted pictures from wet and wild..maybe tomorrow.

DJ being dianosed legally blind has really put many things into perspective for me. When we first heard the news we were beyond devastated and in a way we still are but now I'm finding a lot of the little joys in life that we all probably overlook too often.

The other day I saw a Dad pushing a girl on a swing on my way to get the kids from school and it just put an extra ounce or so of joy in my day. Something the day before I probably wouldn't have even given a second thought to.

We are strong. He is strong. And no matter what we're going to make it and have a great time doing it!


LivingLifeBackwards said...

A tough situation but he is a special boy, and he could do huge things in life. I had the same situation with my oldest son who has Asperger's Syndrome... basically he's socially retarded.. but you know who else is. Bill Gates. Look at all the amazing blind people out there. It makes all their other senses so much stronger. Here in iowa one of the BEST lawyers was completly blind.

Jaime said...

Bill Gates has aspergers? That is amazing! My favorite character on Boston Legal was Jerry..he had asperger's but his personality was awesome!

My kid is going to grow up being one of those AMAZING blind kids :)

LivingLifeBackwards said...

I gave you an award... check it out!

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