When you forget its New Year's Eve, then remember its New Year's Eve, and then realize you really don't give a shit.
I mean do you remember when New Year's Eve was something that you PLANNED for???? I do...as soon as the turkey started settling from Thanksgiving dinner we all started trying to plan for the GREATEST New Year's Eve EVER. And quite honestly as long as there was a ton of alcohol there we didn't really care what took place on New Year's Eve because in all honesty we can't remember ANY New Year's Eve EVER because we were TOO FUCKING SHIT FACED.
But guess what...this may be my best NYE EVER because I'm staying home with my wonderful family and just hanging out. Maybe a glass a wine or two but nothing crazy just hanging out w/ the hubs, my lil' bro, and we'll probably see my new kick-ass neighbors (aka, DJ's Pre-K teacher and a really cool friend!) off on on throughout the evening.
So hope you all have a great night. Stay safe and I'll be back on tomorrow to talk about resolutions! WooHOO!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Busy Busy Busy
Tis the time of year. Sorry I haven't been on much but I've been so busy as I'm sure you all have been too. Hope to catch up w/ everyone soon! And if I don't..Merry Christmas!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
The School Just Called
Appearantly Madison and another little girl were playing and Maddie screamed "Talk to my ass!" So the teacher called me and had Maddie get on the phone to tell me what happened. Of course I can't understand a word Mads is saying because she is crying because she rarely gets in trouble at school. I'm thinking the worst and then the teacher gets on the phone and tells me what happened and I laughed (the teacher and I are friends so luckily she doesn't think I'm a horrible mother) but its such a funny thing to say. It's like "talk to the hand" only better! Maybe my four year old came up w/ the newest saying!
In all seriousness, both little girls said the BAD word and they aren't sure who said it first or why. If the word had been shit I would be convinced that Mads had said it first because she's said it a few times around here to see what she can get away with. Luckily she learned pretty quickly that she doesn't get away with saying dirty words around here. Hopefully she learned that she doesn't get to say dirty words at school either!
In all seriousness, both little girls said the BAD word and they aren't sure who said it first or why. If the word had been shit I would be convinced that Mads had said it first because she's said it a few times around here to see what she can get away with. Luckily she learned pretty quickly that she doesn't get away with saying dirty words around here. Hopefully she learned that she doesn't get to say dirty words at school either!
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
I HAVE ALMOST QUIT SMOKING!!!!!!!!! I'M DOWN TO TWO A DAY!!!! This is huge people! Less than two weeks ago I smoked more than two packs a day and now only two a day AND I will quit those too! Just thought I'd share! My grandparents would be so proud!
And speaking of my grandparents, its been a year since my poppop died. I think he came to me in a dream last night. NO, I'm not crazy! BUT, I had a dream about him last night and when I woke up I had a sense of peace.
Now get ready for a huge post of pics!!!!!
And speaking of my grandparents, its been a year since my poppop died. I think he came to me in a dream last night. NO, I'm not crazy! BUT, I had a dream about him last night and when I woke up I had a sense of peace.
Now get ready for a huge post of pics!!!!!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
I Will Return I Swear
Not that anyone really misses me haha! But I miss blogging. This past week has been hell. I have been sick with a mix of bronchitis, strep throat, and an ear infection. I just can't shake it. Plus we had my father in law come in for Thanksgiving so in the midst of being on my death bed I was trying to keep my house clean. Let's just say it's wasn't sparkling when he got here but it could have been sooooo soooo much worse! On top of that the kids were out of school for thanksgiving which means I had to keep those little hooligans occupied. That alone wears me out when I'm NOT sick! Plus I had to cook and travel. Im beat. I really just want to sleep until Christmas is over! Anyone else with me?
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Do NOT Send Out A Search Party
HaHa! I am still here! I have just been incredibly busy lately. This weekend Jer had drill and something came over me when I woke up Saturday morning. I became a cleaning machine. No dirt grime or smudge was left untouched in my house! ALL of my laundry was washed, dryed, folded, AND put away! Big accomplishment for me people. My bedroom floor is actually visible again. Basically I became completely OCD about my house overnight and I love it. I feel like I'm back to normal.
So in my quest for a clean house I did not get on the internet one time from Friday night until Monday morning! Now that's a big deal! Now that things are all spic and span around here hopefully I can start getting on here more regularly again.
Oh, and I lost the urge to drink. It's amazing. Sometime last week I just didn't want to drink anymore. Most nights I am just waiting til bedtime so I can crack open a couple of cold ones and relax but not anymore. Now IF I drink I only have one maybe two and that second one is a stretch, a BIG stretch lol.
I feel like I started a new life kind of and I'm loving ever second of it. I think the kids can tell too because they seem to be getting along better lately but that maybe because I'm constantly telling them that Santa is watching! Hehe!!!
So in my quest for a clean house I did not get on the internet one time from Friday night until Monday morning! Now that's a big deal! Now that things are all spic and span around here hopefully I can start getting on here more regularly again.
Oh, and I lost the urge to drink. It's amazing. Sometime last week I just didn't want to drink anymore. Most nights I am just waiting til bedtime so I can crack open a couple of cold ones and relax but not anymore. Now IF I drink I only have one maybe two and that second one is a stretch, a BIG stretch lol.
I feel like I started a new life kind of and I'm loving ever second of it. I think the kids can tell too because they seem to be getting along better lately but that maybe because I'm constantly telling them that Santa is watching! Hehe!!!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
So D.J. is telling me that we are going to have his first birthday party at PopPops. Sadly my PopPop died last December so this is the first birthday DJ won't have a party there. When he died DJ was too little understand but when he brought it up today I thought I'd tell him that PopPop had died and went to heaven. Here's the conversation:
DJ:When's my first party at poppops.
Me:Oh honey. We can't have a party at poppop's this year. Poppop's not here anymore.
DJ: He's gone?
Me: Yes sweetheart he died and went to Heaven.
DJ: (screams) AND GOT PUT IN A CAGE??????
I then gently explained heaven but not after I giggled a little bit. I have no idea where he got the idea that when you died you were in a cage unless he's seen a coffin which I don't think he has. I thought it was pretty funny though and man it made me miss my poppop!
DJ:When's my first party at poppops.
Me:Oh honey. We can't have a party at poppop's this year. Poppop's not here anymore.
DJ: He's gone?
Me: Yes sweetheart he died and went to Heaven.
DJ: (screams) AND GOT PUT IN A CAGE??????
I then gently explained heaven but not after I giggled a little bit. I have no idea where he got the idea that when you died you were in a cage unless he's seen a coffin which I don't think he has. I thought it was pretty funny though and man it made me miss my poppop!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Feels Like I Haven't Been On Here In Forever!
So here's a few quick updates: 2 days when I picked Mads up from school she had a weird rash all over her face and the trunk of her body. Figured she was allergic to something at school because benadryl cleared it right up. Well she got it real bad Friday night when she layed down so we took her to the doctor on Saturday morning. They told us she has hives...Weird.
We also took Spence to the doctor for a cold. He sounded horrible and I always worry about RSV and colds during this time of year so I took him to be safe. Told me he was fine and just to give him some benadryl. Took him back today for his checkup and he has an ear infection! The first one of my babies to EVER have an ear infection. I almost cried! He seems to be doing pretty good though. Overheard some Target employees talking about putting Vicks on a q-tip and then putting black pepper on it and putting in your ear for ear infections. I went over to them and they said "can we help you ma'am" and I said "um, no I was just eavesdropping. Were ya'll just talking about ear infections?" "Yes" one of them replies. The other belts out "it works like a charm I swear!" I said "ok, thanks, I'll give it a try". I have not. I find this very strange. Has anyone else ever heard of this????
Speaking of target I got into a verbal altercation in Target parking lot the other day. We were waiting for a spot with our turn signal on and the people pull out and these assholes just zip right in and STEAL our parking spot. I was PISSED. So I made Jerry wait until they got out of their car. When the woman got out of the car I said "I just thought I'd let you know that it's pretty rude to take a parking spot that someones been waiting on." She goes "ughhh whatever. what did you want me to do. sorry!!!!" You could tell she wasn't one bit sorry so I told her "well next time don't be rude and back up and give up the space. I have THREE kids 2 of which I am here to get medicine for.!" She then goes, "I have 2 kids." Ok, I don't give a shit. Now if you had four kids then you would have had me beat and would have deserved the parking spot more than me! Then I glanced down at her license plate and it read "OKLAHOMA". I laughed, pointed, and said, "nevermind, that explains it.!
That really pissed her off and evertime she passed me in the store she flipped me off or gave me dirty looks and I LAUGHED it was hilarious!
Two side notes-yes I know it was just a stupid parking spot but I am sick to death of people not having any fucking respect for anyone anymore. Especially you mother fuckers who walk in front of my car after I LET you pass in front of me and can't even raise your hand in thanks. My 4 year olds both say thank you when walking in front of a car surely your lazy ass can too. That also goes when I stop to let you out in traffic..raise a finger people its not that hard and it all goes back to RESPECT. NOBODY owes you a damn thing so when people like me are nice enough to let your stupid ass go then show some thanks!
Other side note: I lived in Oklahoma so I get to make fun of how horrible their drivers are! They think the same thing about Arkansans. I really love many people from Oklahoma...my own mother lives there and my best friend is from there it was just funny when I noticed she was from OK!
We also took Spence to the doctor for a cold. He sounded horrible and I always worry about RSV and colds during this time of year so I took him to be safe. Told me he was fine and just to give him some benadryl. Took him back today for his checkup and he has an ear infection! The first one of my babies to EVER have an ear infection. I almost cried! He seems to be doing pretty good though. Overheard some Target employees talking about putting Vicks on a q-tip and then putting black pepper on it and putting in your ear for ear infections. I went over to them and they said "can we help you ma'am" and I said "um, no I was just eavesdropping. Were ya'll just talking about ear infections?" "Yes" one of them replies. The other belts out "it works like a charm I swear!" I said "ok, thanks, I'll give it a try". I have not. I find this very strange. Has anyone else ever heard of this????
Speaking of target I got into a verbal altercation in Target parking lot the other day. We were waiting for a spot with our turn signal on and the people pull out and these assholes just zip right in and STEAL our parking spot. I was PISSED. So I made Jerry wait until they got out of their car. When the woman got out of the car I said "I just thought I'd let you know that it's pretty rude to take a parking spot that someones been waiting on." She goes "ughhh whatever. what did you want me to do. sorry!!!!" You could tell she wasn't one bit sorry so I told her "well next time don't be rude and back up and give up the space. I have THREE kids 2 of which I am here to get medicine for.!" She then goes, "I have 2 kids." Ok, I don't give a shit. Now if you had four kids then you would have had me beat and would have deserved the parking spot more than me! Then I glanced down at her license plate and it read "OKLAHOMA". I laughed, pointed, and said, "nevermind, that explains it.!
That really pissed her off and evertime she passed me in the store she flipped me off or gave me dirty looks and I LAUGHED it was hilarious!
Two side notes-yes I know it was just a stupid parking spot but I am sick to death of people not having any fucking respect for anyone anymore. Especially you mother fuckers who walk in front of my car after I LET you pass in front of me and can't even raise your hand in thanks. My 4 year olds both say thank you when walking in front of a car surely your lazy ass can too. That also goes when I stop to let you out in traffic..raise a finger people its not that hard and it all goes back to RESPECT. NOBODY owes you a damn thing so when people like me are nice enough to let your stupid ass go then show some thanks!
Other side note: I lived in Oklahoma so I get to make fun of how horrible their drivers are! They think the same thing about Arkansans. I really love many people from Oklahoma...my own mother lives there and my best friend is from there it was just funny when I noticed she was from OK!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Menu Planning
How many of you do this? I try. No, really I try. But really how am I supossed to know what I want to eat on Saturday on Monday? I Can't Do It!! I eat what sounds good at the moment. If its alfredo then that's what I eat. If it's restaurant food then that's what I eat. I really wish I coud menu plan. I'm sure if would save me tons of moolah and many trips to the store.
I'm Addicted.....
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Taken from another blog: (if I knew how to link to it I totally would!)
) What would you say your most fundamental flaw is?
I have a hard time saying I'm sorry even when I know I'm totally wrong! An apology is like putting sawdust on my tounge and asking me to sing the alphabet...most likely not going to happen.
2) What was your dream growing up?
To become a marine biologist. And then after I met Austin it was to become a marine biologist, have our own boat and raise our children on it while I homeschooled them. Oh how times have changed.
3) What talent do you wish you had?
I wish I could sing like I used to.
4) If I bought you a drink what would it be?
Well, if you're buying bring me a shot of tequila, dressed and a bottle of bud light!
5) Favourite vegetable?
I love most of them, except aspargus and brussel sprouts.
6) What was the last book you read?
The Gift by Nora Roberts
7) What zodiac sign are you?
Gemini baby!
8) Any Tattoos and/or Piercings? Explain where.
just one..a tatoo on my back. used to have my belly button and my tounge pierced!
9) Worst Habit?
I'm a smoker.........ICK
10) If you saw me walking down the street would you offer me a ride?
Yeah, as long as you don't mind sittin on somebodys lap! I usually have a carfull!
11) What is your favourite sport?
softball. fastpitch. is there anything else?
12) Do you have a Negative or Optimistic attitude?
depends on the situation
13) What would you do if you were stuck in an elevator with me?
talk your head off probably but only after I took a xanax or 10 to deal w/ my nerves
15) Tell me one weird fact about you.
just one? hmmm..........I can fit a whole can of spam in my mouth! Don't ask!
16) Do you have any pets?
Yep, my awesome dog, Hershey Monster and my cat
17) What if I showed up at your house unexpectedly?
say, sorry for the mess and watch your step! Always a chance of tripping over a toy here!
18) What was your first impression of me?
well since I'm still reading the blog I found this on I'd say good.
19) Do you think clowns are cute or scary?
20) If you could change one thing about how you look, what would it be?
my weight
21) Would you be my crime partner or my conscience?
definetly NOT your conscience
22) What color eyes do you have?
23) Ever been arrested?
lol, which time?
24) Bottle or can soda?
can if I'm at home, bottle if I'm at a store, and fountain if I'm at a restaurant.
25) If you won $10,000 today, what would you do with it?
have a lot of fun!
27) What's your favourite place to hang at?
my house
28) Do you believe in ghosts?
hell yes
29) Favourite thing to do in your spare time?
read a book or read blogs
30) Do you swear a lot?
like a fuckin sailor
31) Biggest pet peeve?
stupid people and bad drivers...combine the two and I am likely to kill somebody
32) In one word, how would you describe yourself?
33) Do you believe/appreciate romance?
my defintion of romance has changed but yes I always appreciate it
35) Do you believe in God?
i believe in a higher power. i'm generally a spiritual person, though not a religious person.
36) What happened to question 14?
it got into a knife fight with question 26. neither was triumphant (love this answer!)
) What would you say your most fundamental flaw is?
I have a hard time saying I'm sorry even when I know I'm totally wrong! An apology is like putting sawdust on my tounge and asking me to sing the alphabet...most likely not going to happen.
2) What was your dream growing up?
To become a marine biologist. And then after I met Austin it was to become a marine biologist, have our own boat and raise our children on it while I homeschooled them. Oh how times have changed.
3) What talent do you wish you had?
I wish I could sing like I used to.
4) If I bought you a drink what would it be?
Well, if you're buying bring me a shot of tequila, dressed and a bottle of bud light!
5) Favourite vegetable?
I love most of them, except aspargus and brussel sprouts.
6) What was the last book you read?
The Gift by Nora Roberts
7) What zodiac sign are you?
Gemini baby!
8) Any Tattoos and/or Piercings? Explain where.
just one..a tatoo on my back. used to have my belly button and my tounge pierced!
9) Worst Habit?
I'm a smoker.........ICK
10) If you saw me walking down the street would you offer me a ride?
Yeah, as long as you don't mind sittin on somebodys lap! I usually have a carfull!
11) What is your favourite sport?
softball. fastpitch. is there anything else?
12) Do you have a Negative or Optimistic attitude?
depends on the situation
13) What would you do if you were stuck in an elevator with me?
talk your head off probably but only after I took a xanax or 10 to deal w/ my nerves
15) Tell me one weird fact about you.
just one? hmmm..........I can fit a whole can of spam in my mouth! Don't ask!
16) Do you have any pets?
Yep, my awesome dog, Hershey Monster and my cat
17) What if I showed up at your house unexpectedly?
say, sorry for the mess and watch your step! Always a chance of tripping over a toy here!
18) What was your first impression of me?
well since I'm still reading the blog I found this on I'd say good.
19) Do you think clowns are cute or scary?
20) If you could change one thing about how you look, what would it be?
my weight
21) Would you be my crime partner or my conscience?
definetly NOT your conscience
22) What color eyes do you have?
23) Ever been arrested?
lol, which time?
24) Bottle or can soda?
can if I'm at home, bottle if I'm at a store, and fountain if I'm at a restaurant.
25) If you won $10,000 today, what would you do with it?
have a lot of fun!
27) What's your favourite place to hang at?
my house
28) Do you believe in ghosts?
hell yes
29) Favourite thing to do in your spare time?
read a book or read blogs
30) Do you swear a lot?
like a fuckin sailor
31) Biggest pet peeve?
stupid people and bad drivers...combine the two and I am likely to kill somebody
32) In one word, how would you describe yourself?
33) Do you believe/appreciate romance?
my defintion of romance has changed but yes I always appreciate it
35) Do you believe in God?
i believe in a higher power. i'm generally a spiritual person, though not a religious person.
36) What happened to question 14?
it got into a knife fight with question 26. neither was triumphant (love this answer!)
Doesn't Get Much Better Than This
So my big kids had a short week at school. Only 3 days. Am I a horrible mom if I tell you I was dreading the two additional days they'd be out of school??? I love them, I really do, but man do these two FIGHT and SCREAM and WHINE and GET ON YOUR VERY LAST NERVE!
During the week Spence Man and I have a schedule. Some of which includes sleeping in the mornings after I've sat up w/ him for half the night. We both need our sleep..trust me.
Well, me and the big kids had two pretty amazing days! Yes they fought, and whined, and screamed and got on at least a few of my nerves but they also played, shared, laughed, and smiled..a LOT!
They spent hours outside playing their little hearts out. I am lucky that my living room looks out into my front yard so I can watch them play while taking care of Spence. And Spence and I even got the chance to get out there and play chase with them. I was holding Spence and the kids would run by and I'd reach spences' little hands out and touch the big kids and yell "TAG" and they would crack up laughing. Even Spencer. He was literally cracking up and my god I love his little laugh.
(Side note: isn't it funny how different childrens' laughs are. DJ's giggles are like bubbles from his belly..they just escape his mouth in spurts and are contagious. Madisons giggles are LOUD and SCREECHY. Although I love knowing my little girl is happy her screams, I mean laughs, makes me want to invest in ear plugs. They are just SO. LOUD. Spencers laugh is just so dang cute because its so new to us. I'm sure he'll develop his own giggle personality soon and I can't wait. Right now just hearing him laugh is wonderful because its all so new!
The best part about my kids playing outside all day??? They sleep like rocks! But tonight they aren't in thier beds! They are on a pallet on the living room floor because we were watching their movies earlier. And Spence is on the couch. (He is battling a cold so I prefer to keep him close) So all three of my sweet babies are laying in the same room I'm blogging in fast asleep lost in the sweetest of dreams!
During the week Spence Man and I have a schedule. Some of which includes sleeping in the mornings after I've sat up w/ him for half the night. We both need our sleep..trust me.
Well, me and the big kids had two pretty amazing days! Yes they fought, and whined, and screamed and got on at least a few of my nerves but they also played, shared, laughed, and smiled..a LOT!
They spent hours outside playing their little hearts out. I am lucky that my living room looks out into my front yard so I can watch them play while taking care of Spence. And Spence and I even got the chance to get out there and play chase with them. I was holding Spence and the kids would run by and I'd reach spences' little hands out and touch the big kids and yell "TAG" and they would crack up laughing. Even Spencer. He was literally cracking up and my god I love his little laugh.
(Side note: isn't it funny how different childrens' laughs are. DJ's giggles are like bubbles from his belly..they just escape his mouth in spurts and are contagious. Madisons giggles are LOUD and SCREECHY. Although I love knowing my little girl is happy her screams, I mean laughs, makes me want to invest in ear plugs. They are just SO. LOUD. Spencers laugh is just so dang cute because its so new to us. I'm sure he'll develop his own giggle personality soon and I can't wait. Right now just hearing him laugh is wonderful because its all so new!
The best part about my kids playing outside all day??? They sleep like rocks! But tonight they aren't in thier beds! They are on a pallet on the living room floor because we were watching their movies earlier. And Spence is on the couch. (He is battling a cold so I prefer to keep him close) So all three of my sweet babies are laying in the same room I'm blogging in fast asleep lost in the sweetest of dreams!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
That Was Fun
I just got puked on by my big boy. And I mean straight up puked ON! Went to give him a hug and BLECH all over me and the sheets I just washed TODAY. Damn. I don't know how but I laughed when he puked on me. Before kids that would have been IT for me. I would have turned as quickly as he puked on me and I would have puked all over the place. Ahhh the joys of motherhood....the ability not to puke when your kid pukes all down the front of your shirt. Now that's just fucking precious ain't it!
After he pukes he's fine. He wants a pair of pj's (only the kind that match will do which is really throwing me for a loop cause I used to just throw them whatever pj's cmae up first, now I have to search for shit and shit!) And then he wants some "magic soda," more commonly known as Mt. Dew. I know its no sprite or 7-up but we make due w/ what we have! And since he is normally not allowed to drink it when he pukes it suddenly becomes magical and cures all that ails him! Works for me!
After he pukes he's fine. He wants a pair of pj's (only the kind that match will do which is really throwing me for a loop cause I used to just throw them whatever pj's cmae up first, now I have to search for shit and shit!) And then he wants some "magic soda," more commonly known as Mt. Dew. I know its no sprite or 7-up but we make due w/ what we have! And since he is normally not allowed to drink it when he pukes it suddenly becomes magical and cures all that ails him! Works for me!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Just Sayin
I just want to preface my last post by saying that I'm PROUD as hell that we as AMERICANS have overcome RACE and elected a black (ok, well half black) president. That speaks volumes for us as a country.
Let it be known that I am not racist but I just do NOT agree w/ Obama's politics.
I'm scared people. Real fucking scared. And you should be too.
Let it be known that I am not racist but I just do NOT agree w/ Obama's politics.
I'm scared people. Real fucking scared. And you should be too.
A Grown Woman Crying
Yes, I sit here close to tears and bile is collecting in my throat. That is how badly I did NOT want Obama to win. As someone who joined the military and has a husband that was injured in Iraq and who has received 3 purple hearts I am to say the least devastated. I am glad my husband is no longer in the military because I know there is no way he could ever "OBEY" orders from our new so called "leader". We are terrified of the man and what he will do to our country. Never will I or my husband follow any orders he hands down. NEVER. As. God. As. My. Witness. NEVER. This is the beginning of the end people. Hope you're ready!
As a side note: I respect each and everyone's right to vote and their opinion but this is my opinion. If you don't agree w/ it and can say so nicely then feel free but if you're just going to be an ass then please quit reading my blog and don't bother commenting!
As a side note: I respect each and everyone's right to vote and their opinion but this is my opinion. If you don't agree w/ it and can say so nicely then feel free but if you're just going to be an ass then please quit reading my blog and don't bother commenting!
Monday, November 3, 2008
And Finally...
Our "family" reunion. We met at On The Border and I'm pretty sure we were all pretty damn nervous! I know mom had a giant drink before we got there and I took a xanax because I just don't do well with new situations.
Mom walked in before I did and by the time I got inside she was hugging Amanda. For me it was instant recognition and I felt like I had found a missing piece of my life. My heart felt like it jumped right out of my body and attatched itself to my sister. She immediately let go of my mom and we both enveloped ourselves in each others arms. I have to admit I didn't want to let go. I was almost afraid she wasn't real and if I let go she'd disappear. We let go and she met our brother for the first time since he was a baby. Then all the introductions began. She introduced us to her boyfriend of 5 years and I introduced her to my husband and our 3 kids. We promptly sat down at our table and ordered a pitcher of premium margaritas to take the edge off I guess. We ordered our apps and then entrees and then the 3 of us girls decided to go outside and have a smoke break.
Being just the 3 of us out there the conversations started to get a little deep and emotional so I tried to steer everyone away from that. I did NOT want to cry even though I sit here typing this out and crying lol. Dinner went great. Ordered another pitcher of margaritas and I truly didn't want the evening to end. But as you know all great things must come to an end so we all said our goodbyes and made plans for the weekend of Thanksgiving. Her and Corey are going to come to my mom's house the Sat. after thanksgiving and we are going to drink and play games and have tons of fun. I can't wait.
After all these years and especially the past few years w/ our dad dying, and both of my grandparents dying seeing her felt like I was getting a part of my family back. Words can't begin to express how much that means to me. And although I kept all my emotions in check on Saturday night the past two days I have been an emotional wreck. Crying whenever I talk about her or write about her for that matter. And they are not sad tears at all. I'm overwhelmed and it seems the only way for me to express how happy I am is to shed a few tears.
It doesn't help that I know my Dad must be looking down and be so happy that we have all found each other again. Making him happy makes me happy!
Trick or Treating
I'm sure it didn't help that we went as a Razorback family trick or treating in Oklahoma! We did have a lot of people tell us they loved the Razorbacks though! I was just happy we didn't get anything thrown at us lol.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Yay Razorbacks!
We BEAT Tulsa! I can NOT believe it! I was so busy w/ other stuff yesterday that I didn't find out about our AMAZING win until late last night. I can't wait to tell ya'll all about our weekend and my reunion w/ my sister but right now I'm watching CSI so I'll get back to this tomorrow!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
My Retraction
Those myspace posts about Obama...I have no idea if they are true or not! So if you can handle to truth feel free to go fact check them yourselves. I am too lazy! :) I already voted and it obviously wasn't for Obama.
As for me spreading hate...well I don't hate anyone. I don't hate the man, I'm scared to damn death of him and what he is going to do to our country.
Those posts were posted on my myspace and I found them interesting enough to put them on my blog. Most people already have their minds made up who they are going to vote for I doubt my silly little blog posts will seriously influence anyones decision.
If it does well then that means you voted for McCain and my mission is accomplished! (Just kidding...well, kinda)
As for me spreading hate...well I don't hate anyone. I don't hate the man, I'm scared to damn death of him and what he is going to do to our country.
Those posts were posted on my myspace and I found them interesting enough to put them on my blog. Most people already have their minds made up who they are going to vote for I doubt my silly little blog posts will seriously influence anyones decision.
If it does well then that means you voted for McCain and my mission is accomplished! (Just kidding...well, kinda)
Friday, October 31, 2008
Today I have a ton of stuff to do before we head to the school for the kids' halloween parties. As soon as the halloween parties are over we are headed up to my moms to go trick or treating and go to her awesome halloween party! It will be a really fun night. D.J. is going to be an Arkansas Razorback football player, Madison a Razorback Cheerleader, and Spencer is going to be a hotdog from the concession stand. Mom and Dad are going in our Razorback hoodies w/ Razorback tatoos on our faces so we'll be the "fans". I love it! Can't wait to take pics!
AND THEN TOMORROW I AM GOING TO SEE MY SISTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are going to meet her in Tulsa for either lunch or dinner, not sure yet, but still I am going to SEE MY SISTER for the first time in SIXTEEN YEARS!!!!!
I'll be back tomorrow w/ TONS of pictures! I know I still need to put the other pictures on here. I'll do all the picture posting tomorrow!
AND THEN TOMORROW I AM GOING TO SEE MY SISTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are going to meet her in Tulsa for either lunch or dinner, not sure yet, but still I am going to SEE MY SISTER for the first time in SIXTEEN YEARS!!!!!
I'll be back tomorrow w/ TONS of pictures! I know I still need to put the other pictures on here. I'll do all the picture posting tomorrow!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
One More From Myspace
,'Everyone of voting age should read these two books.
,'Don't buy them, get them from the library before they are removed from the shelves
From Dreams of My Father:'I ceased to advertise my mother's race at the age of 12 or 13, when I began to suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites.'
From Dreams of My Father : 'I found a solace in nursing a pervasive sense of grievance and animosity against my mother's race.'
From Dreams of My Father:'There was something about him that made me wary, a little too sure of himself, maybe. And white.'
From Dreams of My Father: 'It remained necessary to prove which side you were on, to show your loyalty to the black masses, to strike out and name names.'
From Dreams of My Father:'I never emulate white men and brown men whose fates didn't speak to my own. It was into my father's image, the black man, son of Africa , that I'd packed all the attributes I sought in myself , the attributes of Martin and Malcolm, DuBois and Mandela.'
And FINALLY the Most Damning one of ALL of them!!!
From Audacity of Hope:'I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.'
,'Don't buy them, get them from the library before they are removed from the shelves
From Dreams of My Father:'I ceased to advertise my mother's race at the age of 12 or 13, when I began to suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites.'
From Dreams of My Father : 'I found a solace in nursing a pervasive sense of grievance and animosity against my mother's race.'
From Dreams of My Father:'There was something about him that made me wary, a little too sure of himself, maybe. And white.'
From Dreams of My Father: 'It remained necessary to prove which side you were on, to show your loyalty to the black masses, to strike out and name names.'
From Dreams of My Father:'I never emulate white men and brown men whose fates didn't speak to my own. It was into my father's image, the black man, son of Africa , that I'd packed all the attributes I sought in myself , the attributes of Martin and Malcolm, DuBois and Mandela.'
And FINALLY the Most Damning one of ALL of them!!!
From Audacity of Hope:'I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.'
100th Post
I totally missed my 100th blogiversary but that's not a huge shock to anyone who knows me. I often forget birthdays and anniversaries.
Taken From Myspace
And he wants to be our commander and chief of our armed forces and he was never in the service. Hmmm.......we can't let this happen.What do you think of this?The Book of RevelationsThis will make you re-think : A Trivia question in Sunday School : How long is the beast allowed to have authority in Revelations ? Guess the Answer?Revelations Chapter 13 tells us it is 42 months, and you know what that is.Almost a four-year term to a Presidency. All I can say is Lord Have Mercy on us.!
According to The Book of Revelations the anti-Christ is:The anti-Christ will be a man, in his 40's, of MUSLIM descent, who will deceive the nations with persuasive language, and have a MASSIVE Christ-like appeal....the prophecy says that people will flock to him and he will promise false hope and world peace, and when he is in power, will destroy everything ..
Is it OBAMA?? I STRONGLY URGE each one of you to repost this as many times as you can!
Each opportunity that you have to send it to a friend or media outlet...do it! I refuse to take a chance on this unknown candidate who came out of nowhere.
And he wants to be our commander and chief of our armed forces and he was never in the service. Hmmm.......we can't let this happen.What do you think of this?The Book of RevelationsThis will make you re-think : A Trivia question in Sunday School : How long is the beast allowed to have authority in Revelations ? Guess the Answer?Revelations Chapter 13 tells us it is 42 months, and you know what that is.Almost a four-year term to a Presidency. All I can say is Lord Have Mercy on us.!
According to The Book of Revelations the anti-Christ is:The anti-Christ will be a man, in his 40's, of MUSLIM descent, who will deceive the nations with persuasive language, and have a MASSIVE Christ-like appeal....the prophecy says that people will flock to him and he will promise false hope and world peace, and when he is in power, will destroy everything ..
Is it OBAMA?? I STRONGLY URGE each one of you to repost this as many times as you can!
Each opportunity that you have to send it to a friend or media outlet...do it! I refuse to take a chance on this unknown candidate who came out of nowhere.
New Friends!!!!
I'm making new friends at school! WooHoo! I'm so excited! It's been YEARS since i had real girl friends. I have wonderful long time friends and you know who you are....I love ya'll to death. But I haven't had any girlfriend I could just hang out with.
So a few weeks ago I made friends w/ 3 of my kids 4 teachers. They are all awesome and I feel so lucky that my kids have such awesome teachers. It's nice to have a realationship w/ their teachers because I always get the real scoop about whats going on in their classrooms. I know who the trouble kids are and I know that if my kids are ever a problem that I'm only a text away. These teachers are awesome and I feel so fortunate to have met them. One is even going to be my neighbor! Oh the fun that we will have! I can't wait
The teacher and her husband were moving stuff into their new house tonight and I walked over w/ spence to tell them I had some boxes for them and the big kids came running out of the house even though they were supossed to be in their beds and started telling u about monsters outside their windows. Her husband promptly pulled out his BB gun and went to shoot the "monsters". The gun wasn't loaded at all but the kids were all about it and went to bed peacefully tonight, reassured that Josh had killed the monsters! Soooo cute!
The other friend I have acquired I met the day of registration. She has four kids, 2 of which are very close to my kids' ages. She's got a 4 year old girl who is adorable and a 6 mth old baby! We chatted the first time we met and always said hello in the hall. Turns out she is the babysitter for my co-coach at soccer. She came to one of our games and we were cordial as always. But yesterday we exchanged numbers and she called me this morning and invited me to play Bunco this weekend. I am so excited!
I need new friends, normal friends! (Jimme, you know who I'm talking about so do NOT take any offense to this..you know your my best ever!) And I'm making them! I'm already thinking of parties and get togethers we can have! Christma (hello dirty santa), New Years, Superbowl, Mardi Gras, Cinco De Mayo, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day......and on and on and on!
This is the start of a new chapter for me and my family. YAY
So a few weeks ago I made friends w/ 3 of my kids 4 teachers. They are all awesome and I feel so lucky that my kids have such awesome teachers. It's nice to have a realationship w/ their teachers because I always get the real scoop about whats going on in their classrooms. I know who the trouble kids are and I know that if my kids are ever a problem that I'm only a text away. These teachers are awesome and I feel so fortunate to have met them. One is even going to be my neighbor! Oh the fun that we will have! I can't wait
The teacher and her husband were moving stuff into their new house tonight and I walked over w/ spence to tell them I had some boxes for them and the big kids came running out of the house even though they were supossed to be in their beds and started telling u about monsters outside their windows. Her husband promptly pulled out his BB gun and went to shoot the "monsters". The gun wasn't loaded at all but the kids were all about it and went to bed peacefully tonight, reassured that Josh had killed the monsters! Soooo cute!
The other friend I have acquired I met the day of registration. She has four kids, 2 of which are very close to my kids' ages. She's got a 4 year old girl who is adorable and a 6 mth old baby! We chatted the first time we met and always said hello in the hall. Turns out she is the babysitter for my co-coach at soccer. She came to one of our games and we were cordial as always. But yesterday we exchanged numbers and she called me this morning and invited me to play Bunco this weekend. I am so excited!
I need new friends, normal friends! (Jimme, you know who I'm talking about so do NOT take any offense to this..you know your my best ever!) And I'm making them! I'm already thinking of parties and get togethers we can have! Christma (hello dirty santa), New Years, Superbowl, Mardi Gras, Cinco De Mayo, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day......and on and on and on!
This is the start of a new chapter for me and my family. YAY
There I said it! I know it isn't a popular opinion but by god, its my opinion. According to the polls, I am in the minority. God I hope the polls are WRONG.
Here's whats funny, I've had conversations with people from all over the midwest and not one, I repeat, NOT ONE person I know is voting for Obama. (Silent thank you to god for that one) The ONLY person I know that is voting for Obama is my mother.
To each their own I guess but I truly hope either the polls are wrong and McCain ends up winning or America wakes the hell up!
Don't really care if people agree or disagree w/ me....that's my story and I'm stickin to it!
Here's whats funny, I've had conversations with people from all over the midwest and not one, I repeat, NOT ONE person I know is voting for Obama. (Silent thank you to god for that one) The ONLY person I know that is voting for Obama is my mother.
To each their own I guess but I truly hope either the polls are wrong and McCain ends up winning or America wakes the hell up!
Don't really care if people agree or disagree w/ me....that's my story and I'm stickin to it!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
OMG! This hurts. I woke up w/ Spence at 5 this morning and was absolutely fine. Went back to sleep around 6 and when I woke up at 7 I couldn't move my neck, my shoulders, or my arms. It takes everything I have to pick Spencer up. I'm seriously considering going to the doctor which means I am in excruiating pain since I don't have insurance and I never go to the doctor. Damnit!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Razorbacks vs. Tulsa
Oh crap. We're going to get our asses handed to us this weekend. This depresses me!
So I took the kid to a lame ass carnival tonight. I was standing off to the side w/ Spencer when a lady walks up and starts telling me how cute he is. We talk for a minute and then she turned into a BITCH. Here's how.......this STRANGER asked me how old Spencer was and then PATTED my belly and asked me if I was expecting again!!! UM, WTF??? Number 1, I am not THAT big. I could definetly afford to lose a some weight but my god my baby is only 4 months old. Give a woman a break! Number 2, it was FREEZING I had on a HUGE shirt and a coat of course I looked big. Number 3, who in their FUCKING RIGHT MIND ASKS A STRANGER IF THEY'RE PREGNANT?????
You know the funny part? I have always heard of this happening to other women and it really pisses me off. I wasn't pissed off or even that offended. I was amused. This girl was no skinnie minnie either and I wish I would have said, "no, but you look like you're about 6 months along".
I just don't understand the gall of some people. NEVER EVER will I ask a woman if she's expecting unless its blatantly obvious. Goodness.
The really funny part of this: I wore a maternity shirt earlier today. It was just a t-shirt and didn't really fit like a maternity shirt but none the less it was a maternity shirt and on the same day I wear I get asked if I'm pregnant.
Oh, if this is an omen then FUCK THAT......I am DONE having kids!
You know the funny part? I have always heard of this happening to other women and it really pisses me off. I wasn't pissed off or even that offended. I was amused. This girl was no skinnie minnie either and I wish I would have said, "no, but you look like you're about 6 months along".
I just don't understand the gall of some people. NEVER EVER will I ask a woman if she's expecting unless its blatantly obvious. Goodness.
The really funny part of this: I wore a maternity shirt earlier today. It was just a t-shirt and didn't really fit like a maternity shirt but none the less it was a maternity shirt and on the same day I wear I get asked if I'm pregnant.
Oh, if this is an omen then FUCK THAT......I am DONE having kids!
Random Crap
My heater is broke! It sucks but we are making due w/ little space heaters. I'm terrified of a fire so I turn them off any time we leave and I am constantly checking them.
We stayed the weekend w/ friends and watched the razorback game. It was a great game BUT we freaking lost! We had a little pary and lots of yummy food. I will have pictures up later.
The other day on our way home from Tennessee a well dressed lady asked us for money to get gas to get her home. We told her we didn't have any cash and we did. Went in and went to the and went to the bathroom and by the time we came out we decided to give her some money but she was gone. We looked for her and we couldnt find her. I still feel guilty for this because I always try and help people out when I can.
I want a new truck but we're having trouble w/ the financing. I guess the economy really is starting to have an impact on everyone. It sucks!
Went on a shopping spree yesterday. We went all over the place and got new curtains (that ended up being too short), a new crockpot, a new pillow and a whole bunch of other crap. Spent way too much money but what's new
Today went and got my Arkansas Razorback office chair. It's awesome! Again spent way too much money on it but it goes w/ my office so it was worth it. (Pics coming as soon as I get it set up!)
Tonight went to a carnival that we went to last year that was awesome but this year it sucked. Very disappointed but I think the kids had fun and that's all that matters. And of course, pics will be posted!
(Can you tell I love my new camera! YAY!)
We stayed the weekend w/ friends and watched the razorback game. It was a great game BUT we freaking lost! We had a little pary and lots of yummy food. I will have pictures up later.
The other day on our way home from Tennessee a well dressed lady asked us for money to get gas to get her home. We told her we didn't have any cash and we did. Went in and went to the and went to the bathroom and by the time we came out we decided to give her some money but she was gone. We looked for her and we couldnt find her. I still feel guilty for this because I always try and help people out when I can.
I want a new truck but we're having trouble w/ the financing. I guess the economy really is starting to have an impact on everyone. It sucks!
Went on a shopping spree yesterday. We went all over the place and got new curtains (that ended up being too short), a new crockpot, a new pillow and a whole bunch of other crap. Spent way too much money but what's new
Today went and got my Arkansas Razorback office chair. It's awesome! Again spent way too much money on it but it goes w/ my office so it was worth it. (Pics coming as soon as I get it set up!)
Tonight went to a carnival that we went to last year that was awesome but this year it sucked. Very disappointed but I think the kids had fun and that's all that matters. And of course, pics will be posted!
(Can you tell I love my new camera! YAY!)
To-Do...Play Catch up!
I will be back later to catch up this whole weekend! With pictures! Right now I'm off to Sam's to buy a leather Arkansas Razorback Office Chair! WOOO HOOOO!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Pilot Lights
Oh shit! Its that time a year again. It got really cold here really quick and now we (by we I mean Jerry) have to crawl into the attic and light the damn thing. I hate the attic. That is where the creepy crawlies live...
Eww. My skin is itching just thinking about it.
He just went up there.
If you don't see me posting for a few days Jerry probably blew the house up. If he doesn't I'll be back soon.
He better not blow it up damnit cause I'm in the middle of a good book!
Eww. My skin is itching just thinking about it.
He just went up there.
If you don't see me posting for a few days Jerry probably blew the house up. If he doesn't I'll be back soon.
He better not blow it up damnit cause I'm in the middle of a good book!
I just went to by cigarettes at EZ Mart. Handed them my military ID and they wouldn't sell them to me. I am almost 28 Damned years old.
Are you fucking kidding me?
Really? So I ask them why they won't accept it and they tell me its because its not state issued. No, dumb shit it's not state issued, it's FEDERALLY issued. Way better if you ask me. So I called and spoke to a manager and she said "well ma'am, that's our policy."
"Since when?" I ask.
"Um, it always has been." she replies.
That is when I go on to tell her that she is full of shit. I have been using my military id there since 2000 and never, NOT ONE FREAKING TIME, have I had a problem. I don't have a state issued id so I use my military id EVERYWHERE and I've NEVER had an issue.
My god I am livid. Seriously pissed. I am from this day forward boycotting EZ Mart. Any store or person who won't accept a military id can kiss my ass!
Are you fucking kidding me?
Really? So I ask them why they won't accept it and they tell me its because its not state issued. No, dumb shit it's not state issued, it's FEDERALLY issued. Way better if you ask me. So I called and spoke to a manager and she said "well ma'am, that's our policy."
"Since when?" I ask.
"Um, it always has been." she replies.
That is when I go on to tell her that she is full of shit. I have been using my military id there since 2000 and never, NOT ONE FREAKING TIME, have I had a problem. I don't have a state issued id so I use my military id EVERYWHERE and I've NEVER had an issue.
My god I am livid. Seriously pissed. I am from this day forward boycotting EZ Mart. Any store or person who won't accept a military id can kiss my ass!
Just Got Home
Well tonight was an interesting night. I went and helped bail someone out of jail. It was my friends sister. She was in an accident and when they got to the scene of the accident they realized she was drunk...very very drunk. Normally this would aggravate me but there are special cicumstances surrounding her case. She's just not all there right now. She had a nervous breakdown earlier this year and suffers from short term memory loss. Like tonight she remembers buying the alcohol but doesn't remember drinking any of it and has no idea how she ended up 30 minutes away from her current home. She flipped her car and fortunately she wasn't hurt and neither was anyone else. Despite the circumstances me and my friend kinda had fun on our little bail out adventure tonight.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Chill In The Air
Wow...the tempature just DROPPED so quickly here. I swear one minute it was in the mid 70's and now it's 51. When I started writing this post it was 53...it is dropping that fast! Time to shut all the windows!
Update On My Sister
Well so far things are going good! YAY! We have been exchanging emails back and forth for a few days now. We have tenative plans to meet up sometime in the future not sure when then but hopefully soon. I really want to get to know her again and have her as a part of our family again!
Monday, October 20, 2008
The Trip From Hell
Fri 6:30 am: we meet the car rental guy up at Enterprise as early as he would meet us. ( They don't open until 7:30 and he volunteered to meet us early so we could get going on our trip as early as possible) We are filling out paperwork, he asks Jerry for his license, Jerry hands it to him and the guys says "um sir, did you know this is expired?" Um WTF we had no idea it was expired! So needless to say our day doesn't start off on a good note. The guy gives us the car but we have to drop back by w/ a valid license before we leave. We go home, get the kids ready for school, drop them off and then head to the DMV.
Bitch at DMV tells us that since its been expired for more than 30 days and is out of state that he has to go take a drivers test. (And she really was a hateful bitch!) So we decide to head out to our kids fieldtrip before we go to the police station. (It was the kids first field trip and we weren't going to miss it) We leave early and head to the police station. We get there and are informed that they won't start testing until 1pm. I then resort to begging the officer to PLEASE just let him take the test. Jerry had already handed him his military id along w/ his expired license and because he was military the officer let him go ahead and take his test. He passed by only one question. I threatened to divorce him if he failed lol. Back to the DMV, Spencer poops, I forgot the diapers and wipes so I ran and bought some. Get back Jerry still isn't done. We wait and wait. Finally we get out of there, run home finish packing and go tet the kids from school.
We get them and get on our way. Stop at taco bell and order food. They screw up our order...totally on par w/ the day. Finally on the road and Spencer. Won't. Stop. Crying. The kdis are being brats. Screaming. Yelling. Hitting. I lost my mind about an hour and 45 minutes into the trip. Spencer did not stop crying the entire 10 trip. He gave us breaks every once in awhile but they were few and far between.
It was so bad that two xanax didn't even take the edge off. I was needin a drink or 10 so the last time we stopped for gas I bought beer. I was terrified that when we got to where we were going it would be a dry county or something and I was NOT pressing my luck after the day I had.
We FINALLY get close and Jerry's family decides to give us "easier" directions. Of course we got lost and I was ready to take Jerry's head off. We FINALLY get to the hotel and get to the room at 1am. I started throwing back the beer. I NEEDED it.
Next day was the wedding. It was beautiful. I will add pictures and talk about that tomorrow.
Now back to the trip from hell. So we finally got there, slept, woke up, went to a wedding and a reception, came back to the hotel, went to brides parents house to visit, came back to hotel, met up w/ all family staying there and stayed up til 12am., (much alcohol was consumed), go back to room, go to sleep and then wake up LATE the next morning for breakfast w/ his family. I normally hate to be late but I just let it go this morning. We go back to the hotel and load the car for our trip home.
Fingers are crossed that the trip home isn't half as bad as the trip there. It's not. THANK. GOD. We stop in memphis for some BBQ but can't find a real BBQ place. Still we had a BBQ sandwich and the most AMAZING cole slaw ever! Got to walk around and stretch our legs a bit. Get back on the road and are almost to Little Rock (which by the time we get to LR we consider ourselves HOME even though we are almost 3 hours away still) and get stuck in traffic. FOR. ALMOST. THREE. HOURS. Seriously. People were out walking around on the interstate...us included. In fact we were some of the first people out of our cars. I just couldn't stand sitting there on the interstate so we got out and stretched our legs. As we are standing on the shoulder talking to another stranded family the traffic starts moving. We dash back to our car and quickly strapped our kids into their seats. After one more quick gas stop we arrived home around midnight. So thinks to our stop in memphis and our traffic delay our 10 trip took us 14 hours. No. Fun. But at least Spencer wasn't crying the entire time.
I have pictures and stories to tell..this was mainly just the basics of the trip...
Bitch at DMV tells us that since its been expired for more than 30 days and is out of state that he has to go take a drivers test. (And she really was a hateful bitch!) So we decide to head out to our kids fieldtrip before we go to the police station. (It was the kids first field trip and we weren't going to miss it) We leave early and head to the police station. We get there and are informed that they won't start testing until 1pm. I then resort to begging the officer to PLEASE just let him take the test. Jerry had already handed him his military id along w/ his expired license and because he was military the officer let him go ahead and take his test. He passed by only one question. I threatened to divorce him if he failed lol. Back to the DMV, Spencer poops, I forgot the diapers and wipes so I ran and bought some. Get back Jerry still isn't done. We wait and wait. Finally we get out of there, run home finish packing and go tet the kids from school.
We get them and get on our way. Stop at taco bell and order food. They screw up our order...totally on par w/ the day. Finally on the road and Spencer. Won't. Stop. Crying. The kdis are being brats. Screaming. Yelling. Hitting. I lost my mind about an hour and 45 minutes into the trip. Spencer did not stop crying the entire 10 trip. He gave us breaks every once in awhile but they were few and far between.
It was so bad that two xanax didn't even take the edge off. I was needin a drink or 10 so the last time we stopped for gas I bought beer. I was terrified that when we got to where we were going it would be a dry county or something and I was NOT pressing my luck after the day I had.
We FINALLY get close and Jerry's family decides to give us "easier" directions. Of course we got lost and I was ready to take Jerry's head off. We FINALLY get to the hotel and get to the room at 1am. I started throwing back the beer. I NEEDED it.
Next day was the wedding. It was beautiful. I will add pictures and talk about that tomorrow.
Now back to the trip from hell. So we finally got there, slept, woke up, went to a wedding and a reception, came back to the hotel, went to brides parents house to visit, came back to hotel, met up w/ all family staying there and stayed up til 12am., (much alcohol was consumed), go back to room, go to sleep and then wake up LATE the next morning for breakfast w/ his family. I normally hate to be late but I just let it go this morning. We go back to the hotel and load the car for our trip home.
Fingers are crossed that the trip home isn't half as bad as the trip there. It's not. THANK. GOD. We stop in memphis for some BBQ but can't find a real BBQ place. Still we had a BBQ sandwich and the most AMAZING cole slaw ever! Got to walk around and stretch our legs a bit. Get back on the road and are almost to Little Rock (which by the time we get to LR we consider ourselves HOME even though we are almost 3 hours away still) and get stuck in traffic. FOR. ALMOST. THREE. HOURS. Seriously. People were out walking around on the interstate...us included. In fact we were some of the first people out of our cars. I just couldn't stand sitting there on the interstate so we got out and stretched our legs. As we are standing on the shoulder talking to another stranded family the traffic starts moving. We dash back to our car and quickly strapped our kids into their seats. After one more quick gas stop we arrived home around midnight. So thinks to our stop in memphis and our traffic delay our 10 trip took us 14 hours. No. Fun. But at least Spencer wasn't crying the entire time.
I have pictures and stories to tell..this was mainly just the basics of the trip...
My Sister
Back when I was 4 or 5 my mom got remarried. She married a guy who had a daughter. She was less than a year younger than me. We met and hit it off. We played although our interests were different we got along surprisingly well most of the time. She like barbies, I liked making mud pies. We only saw each other a couple of times a year but during those times we were just as much real sisters as anybody else. Up until I was around 11 we continued to see each other during the year. I'm not a hundred percent what happened then. All I know is that I stopped seeing my sister. I basically lost all contact w/ her. Sometime we got back in touch via email but being that we were both teenage girls we eventually lost touch. I have looked for her for years on reunion.com but have never had much luck. I have typed her name in myspace a few times but nothing ever came up. On a whim the other day I typed it in and she came up. I write her and ask her if she is my sister. I knew it was a strange question and didn't really expect a response but she wrote me back and it HER! She used to live in Nevada but now she lives less than an hour an a half away from me in my old home town.
I want to see her badly. I have never stopped loving her and thinking of her as my sister but I have no idea if she feels the same way. I wrote her tonight and talked about getting together. I told her how much we all still love her and how much I hope that she wants to see us as much as we want to see her.
And for those of you who don't know....her dad wasn't my real dad but he loved me just as much as any dad loves his daughter. I thought of him and still do as my dad. My relationship w/ my biological dad is to this day to say the least rocky. My dad died in 2003 and my sister wasn't there. At first it made me angry but I have kind of come to terms w/ it since I have never talked to her about it and have no idea what her reasons were. I hope someday we get to sit down and talk about everything but right now I just want to see her and get to know her again. But that ball is in her court right now. I am afraid I'm going to overstep my boundaries and scare her away.
So I wrote her tonight and kind of told her how I felt and let her know she had family that wanted to get to know her again and that have never stopped loving her. I hope she writes back and I will keep everyone updated about our situation.
I want to see her badly. I have never stopped loving her and thinking of her as my sister but I have no idea if she feels the same way. I wrote her tonight and talked about getting together. I told her how much we all still love her and how much I hope that she wants to see us as much as we want to see her.
And for those of you who don't know....her dad wasn't my real dad but he loved me just as much as any dad loves his daughter. I thought of him and still do as my dad. My relationship w/ my biological dad is to this day to say the least rocky. My dad died in 2003 and my sister wasn't there. At first it made me angry but I have kind of come to terms w/ it since I have never talked to her about it and have no idea what her reasons were. I hope someday we get to sit down and talk about everything but right now I just want to see her and get to know her again. But that ball is in her court right now. I am afraid I'm going to overstep my boundaries and scare her away.
So I wrote her tonight and kind of told her how I felt and let her know she had family that wanted to get to know her again and that have never stopped loving her. I hope she writes back and I will keep everyone updated about our situation.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
Fat Girl Goes Shopping
I just labeled myself fat lol. Truth is on most times I consider myself pretty cute. But I live in yoga pants and shirts and don't pay attention to sizes. Large, Extra Large, doesn't matter as long as its comfy. I went shopping tonight and I almost left the store in tears. NOTHING fit right. At one point my mom brought me a 1X...uhhh......WTF? It DIDN'T fit.....well it was too big everywhere but the boobs. UGHHHHH. Nothing fit right but since I hate shopping and put it off until the absolute last minute I could only go to one store. So I just bought I bunch of shit and then went shopping in my closet. Come hell or high water people I WILL look amazing for this wedding. I WILL. And then when I get back, I'm going on a diet. No more drinking :( at least not during the week :) and absolutely NO MORE BEER. (Please hold on while I cry) If was very depressing. The only highlight was after I went and gorged myself on Chinese food and then I heard from my long lost sister. (More on that later I promise) Now I'm drinking BEER to ease my anxiety about traveling tomorrow. I HATE to travel. I am terrifed that something will happen. Oh well what happens happens I guess. Just keep us in your thoughts. I plan on writing a lot while we're on the road tomorrow and I will post sometime this week.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
My Sister
I found my sister!!! Words can't even tell how happy I am. I will elaborate later. Gotta get ready for my trip!
Thursday ALREADY?
Wow! Today got here fast. My to do list will basically carry over into today and then I'll add a million and one more things to get done. Got the kids off to school looking their cutest for school pics. I have decided that I need to go to a class on how to fix Mad's hair. No matter what I can never seem to get it just right. It annoys me to no end. She still looks adorable because come on she's Mads but maybe if I went to a class she could look just a little bit cuter!!!! Oh well I know that no matter what the pictures will turn out great! Going to try and get Spencer to go back to sleep and hope I don't fall asleep with him. This week has really caught up w/ me! Maybe I'll just sleep during the entire 9 hour trip tomorrow!!!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Final Debate
Hmmm I wonder who won! I just couldn't get into it. It was like hearing them saying the same things over and over and over again. I'm over it. I know who I'm voting for. I am terrified that the other canidate will win but whatever, I'll just go with the flow. I HATED when Bush got re-elected. Hated it. I literally broke down and cried for HOURS. I knew he would run our country into the ground and he did just that. Disgusting. Got off subject. I wonder who won this debate. Anyone want to weigh in?
Jack Shit
That's what I got done today. Nothing. Nada. Zero. ZILCH! I suck. So now tomorrow I have to get up and get the kids ready for their very first school pictures (awwww how cute! can't believe they are growing up so fast) finish cleaning my house, go pick up jerry's dry cleaning, go find something for me to wear to the wedding that matches my AMAZING new red high heels, get my eyebrows waxed and try to sneak in a haircut. Oh and I still have to pack for all 5 of us. And my mom is coming into town tomorrow and she wants me to go help her decorate her booth for christmas and go shopping w/ her at kohl's. At least I can try to find something to wear at kohl's. But it is going to be A. Very. Long. Day. Hopefully I make it!
I'm Exhausted!
Can't wait for Spencer to take a nap. Taking nyquil at 4:30 in the morning was NOT my brightest moment. No medicine is touching this cough. The nyquil helped but I was still coughing. Jer just told me that I was talking in my sleep all night last night. I asked him what I said and he said he couldn't remember. I wish he remembered because I'm sure it would be pretty funny.
Here's my to-do list for the day: mop all floors w/ my handy dandy swiffer mop, take crap to goodwill, mail box to jimme, put crap in attic (ok, that's on jer's to-do list) vacuum my couches, wash all linens (see, there's that damn laundry creepin back up on me) and sometime I need to go get my hair cut and find an outfit to wear to the wedding. The outfit has to match these killer red heels that I bought the other day. OMG they are amazing!
Well, just writing everything out has given me a little energy. Maybe I won't nap w/ Spencer after all!
Here's my to-do list for the day: mop all floors w/ my handy dandy swiffer mop, take crap to goodwill, mail box to jimme, put crap in attic (ok, that's on jer's to-do list) vacuum my couches, wash all linens (see, there's that damn laundry creepin back up on me) and sometime I need to go get my hair cut and find an outfit to wear to the wedding. The outfit has to match these killer red heels that I bought the other day. OMG they are amazing!
Well, just writing everything out has given me a little energy. Maybe I won't nap w/ Spencer after all!
Do you realize what time it is???? It's 4:47am. Fuck. Why am I awake? Why am I on here? I hate being awake this early but this damn cough is keeping me up. I just took some MORE nyquil. Hopefully I won't be a complete zombie tomorrow.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Forget You All
Really people. I FINALLY get you gorgeous pictures of my adorable children and nobody, not even one of you, write me back to tell me how adorable they are!?! WTF!?! (Jimme you are the exception since we were IM'ing at the time) I am talking about family here. And ya'll wonder why I'm less than thrilled to go to this wedding. I feel like NOBODY cares about my family. My kids really got screwed in the grandparent department. Is it really that hard to send my kids a birthday card. "Hey grandkid, I love you, Happy Birthday". Try it w/ me..."Hey grandkid, I love you, happy birthday!" See it wasn't that hard now was it? So when I send you pictures of my amazingly beautiful kids write me back ASAP so that I know you saw how absolutely gorgeous they are and what pretty kids I have!! I don't ask for much but.............
I'm Sick
And it's all because of the stupid birthday party I had to go to. So here's the back story of how I met this family.
One day we were walking out of school when DJ started talking to this little boy name "C". I told C's mom that we were having a birthday party at the park and she was welcome to bring "C" and his sister that Sunday. She informs me that she has 4 kids. Ok, bring 'em all I say. So they do. They then preceeded to stand off to the side and not say a word to any of us during the whole party. Whatever. I told them not to bring a present and they didn't. No biggie.
Well then I get an invite to C's birthday party. It's at Chuck E Cheese. I HATE CEC. That place SUCKS. But since they gave us a formal invite I HAVE to bring a present, especially since DJ is dying to buy him one. So we get him one. No big deal. We get to hell, I mean CEC, and she has the exact same thing she had on Friday when I went and picked the kids up from school. She hasn't brushed her hair. (Oh and the exact same thing wasn't anything remotely cute, it was an old ratty t-shirt)
Maybe its just me but I can't stand looking like shit in public but definetly not at a party I'm hosting. I would have no fun because I would be so paranoid that people were talking about how shitty I look! (No, I'm NOT self-centered lol). I'm no fashionista either. My idea of looking put together and cute is yoga pants and a tank top. But I do look cute! Really I do.
(Side story here...first day of school, guy drops his kid off wearing ratty, holey, pajama pants and a ripped t-shirt. I mean really??? You couldn't take 2 seconds to put on some un-holey pajamas? I'm okay w/ pajamas being worn in public, but PLEASE no holes. I don't want to accidentally see something I shouldn't. Anyways, as much as I hate to admit it because of his fathers appearance that first day, that is ALL I can think about when I look at this kid. And it never fails..whenever I look at him I think "poor kid"! First impressions really are important people!
So back to my birthday hell story. I hate CEC. It's loud, noisy, and kids and germ infested. (I can prove it, I am sick because I went to that hell hole). And the food sucks too. Maybe its in my head but if an invite says CEC anywhere on it I start dreading it immediately and know I will not have any fun. My kids will and they will probably catch their death while their at it. I know I will.
So while in there I start having a full on anxiety attack. Man those are not fun. I couldn't breathe. I was sweating and cold all at the same time. I just wanted the HELL out of there. But the kids just had a few more tokens so I made myself breathe through it and as soon as we were out the door I felt a little bit of the weight lift off my chest. Unfortunately not all...my anxiety likes to linger. Got home took some xanax. Didn't help. Jerry has the nerve to ask me if I took a xanax and since I did why I was in such a shitty mood. Uhhh....weren't we at the same place? I just don't do 50+ screaming kids...EVER!
To top it off the two parties next to us were obviously a little more classy and quite frankly I was embarassed to be seen w/ the party we were with. I hate being embarassed. So crappy Sunday and now I'm sick. I hate being sick. I think I have overdosed myself on meds. In the past 2 hours I have taken a swig of children's benadryl, 2 tylenol cold and sinus caplets, a swig of delyum, and dayquil. I still feel like shit. So as a last resort I'm counting on my old friend Bud (light that is) to help me through the night!
One day we were walking out of school when DJ started talking to this little boy name "C". I told C's mom that we were having a birthday party at the park and she was welcome to bring "C" and his sister that Sunday. She informs me that she has 4 kids. Ok, bring 'em all I say. So they do. They then preceeded to stand off to the side and not say a word to any of us during the whole party. Whatever. I told them not to bring a present and they didn't. No biggie.
Well then I get an invite to C's birthday party. It's at Chuck E Cheese. I HATE CEC. That place SUCKS. But since they gave us a formal invite I HAVE to bring a present, especially since DJ is dying to buy him one. So we get him one. No big deal. We get to hell, I mean CEC, and she has the exact same thing she had on Friday when I went and picked the kids up from school. She hasn't brushed her hair. (Oh and the exact same thing wasn't anything remotely cute, it was an old ratty t-shirt)
Maybe its just me but I can't stand looking like shit in public but definetly not at a party I'm hosting. I would have no fun because I would be so paranoid that people were talking about how shitty I look! (No, I'm NOT self-centered lol). I'm no fashionista either. My idea of looking put together and cute is yoga pants and a tank top. But I do look cute! Really I do.
(Side story here...first day of school, guy drops his kid off wearing ratty, holey, pajama pants and a ripped t-shirt. I mean really??? You couldn't take 2 seconds to put on some un-holey pajamas? I'm okay w/ pajamas being worn in public, but PLEASE no holes. I don't want to accidentally see something I shouldn't. Anyways, as much as I hate to admit it because of his fathers appearance that first day, that is ALL I can think about when I look at this kid. And it never fails..whenever I look at him I think "poor kid"! First impressions really are important people!
So back to my birthday hell story. I hate CEC. It's loud, noisy, and kids and germ infested. (I can prove it, I am sick because I went to that hell hole). And the food sucks too. Maybe its in my head but if an invite says CEC anywhere on it I start dreading it immediately and know I will not have any fun. My kids will and they will probably catch their death while their at it. I know I will.
So while in there I start having a full on anxiety attack. Man those are not fun. I couldn't breathe. I was sweating and cold all at the same time. I just wanted the HELL out of there. But the kids just had a few more tokens so I made myself breathe through it and as soon as we were out the door I felt a little bit of the weight lift off my chest. Unfortunately not all...my anxiety likes to linger. Got home took some xanax. Didn't help. Jerry has the nerve to ask me if I took a xanax and since I did why I was in such a shitty mood. Uhhh....weren't we at the same place? I just don't do 50+ screaming kids...EVER!
To top it off the two parties next to us were obviously a little more classy and quite frankly I was embarassed to be seen w/ the party we were with. I hate being embarassed. So crappy Sunday and now I'm sick. I hate being sick. I think I have overdosed myself on meds. In the past 2 hours I have taken a swig of children's benadryl, 2 tylenol cold and sinus caplets, a swig of delyum, and dayquil. I still feel like shit. So as a last resort I'm counting on my old friend Bud (light that is) to help me through the night!
I Got Soo Much Done Today
Really I did. Laundry..almost done. Just one last load to do before we leave. I will do that Thurs night. Floors swept. Will mop tomorrow. Kids rooms clean. Bathroom. Spotless. Well as spotless as it can be considering its still in the remodeling phase. The kitchen still looms before me but I will give that a good scrubbing down either tonight or tomorrow. Jimme just made me all paranoid about going on our trip that if something happens and someone had to come go through our stuff...I would HATE that. Damnit now I'm going to go scrub down the kitchen so I can get even more done tomorrow. But this girls' energy is waning....I've been up since 4:30...that does NOT equal a happy gal!
Wow, I Must Be Really Bored
24, well make that 25 posts already in Oct.??? That's the most I've ever posted in one month and its not even half way over! Oh and I still have stories to tell. Like the birthday party in hell...seriously.
You Should Be Proud!
I've already done laundry this morning! 1 thing down, 276 things to go! Wish me luck!
Picture This...........
4:30 am I'm sleeping snuggled up on my couch sleeping like a rock when all of a sudden I awake to the sounds of a screaming banshee named Spencer. My baby rolled off the couch last night and fell on the floor. Poor guy! Don't worry, he is perfectly ok. As soon as I picked him up he stopped crying. I think he just startled himself a little bit. He went back to sleep leaving me awake since 4freakin30 this morning. It's going to be a loooooooooooooooong day!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Ever had someone in your life who you thought would always be there? I did. I do. Except he's not there anymore. Ya know at one point I thought I would marry this guy. He was my best friend in the whole world and I was head over heels for him. Now, I'm married to somebody different and completely in love. But I can't deny the fact that this guy is always in the back of my mind. I miss him sooo much. OMG you just don't even know. And no, I don't miss him in THAT way, I just miss my friend. I miss our communication, our understanding, and our letters. God I miss our letters. I miss him. PERIOD. I wonder how he is doing, what he is doing and if he's happy. I hope he's happy. Like I said I love my married life but a part of me misses my friend. He is my soul mate. I am sure of that. I am married to the man I love but I miss the other half of my soul.
Busy Busy Week
Holy crap people I have a busy week! Soccer tomorrow (please cross your fingers that it gets cancelled!), school pictures Thurs, a field trip Fri and then from the field trip we leave to go to tennessee for a wedding (woofun). I'm exhausted just thinking about it. So from now til Thurs I have to get my house totally CLEAN. I hate coming home to a dirty house.
Everyone keep Migraine Mom in your thoughts and prayers please. (Don't know how to post the link to her blog but its on my blogroll). Go read it and send her positive thoughts!
I have much more to say but that's all for now. Maybe after boston legal!
Everyone keep Migraine Mom in your thoughts and prayers please. (Don't know how to post the link to her blog but its on my blogroll). Go read it and send her positive thoughts!
I have much more to say but that's all for now. Maybe after boston legal!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
I think I might be! Took benadryl earlier, drank some beers, man I feel like shit. Took half a xanax in addition to the benadrly and booze........I'm kinda floaty and ready for bed!
New Blogger!
Hey people! Check it out! My best friend has finally joined us in the blogging world. Go show her some love! She's on my blogroll as "my first blog". Go SEE!
Step Sister
I may have found her! OMG I am soooooooo excited. I have been looking for her on and off since my dad died. I've tried a couple of different websites and have had virtually no luck. Well, last night on a whim I typed in her name on Myspace and I *think* I found her. The profile I found looks just like I would imagine she looks like after 15+ years of not seeing her. She has brown hair now and that is throwing me off a bit but I REALLY think its her. She was my sister from the time I was 5 until the last time I saw her when I was 11. I miss her. I miss having a sister as close as Amanda and I used to be.
So if ya'll pray, please pray that I found her and that she replies! For all I know due to some bad things that went down w/ our families she may choose not to respond. I hope not though. My 16 year old brother is dying to meet his other sister. I hope I can make this happen for him. So please think about us, pray for us, and just cross your fingers that I finally found my sister.
So if ya'll pray, please pray that I found her and that she replies! For all I know due to some bad things that went down w/ our families she may choose not to respond. I hope not though. My 16 year old brother is dying to meet his other sister. I hope I can make this happen for him. So please think about us, pray for us, and just cross your fingers that I finally found my sister.
Major News
We (the Arkansas Razorbacks) beat Auburn yesterday! I almost ordered the game on PPV yesterday but I figured why waste $34.95 when we will just get beat anyways??? I am now kicking myself for not ordering it. Now my family won't be as embarrassed going trick or treating as a razorback football player(dj), a cheerleader(madison), a hot dog from the concession stand (spence) and 2 razorback fans (mom and dad)!
I know we're going to suck for awhile..we have a young team and a new coach but its nice to have a little pick me up win to keep the players morale high!
Woooooooooooooooo Pig Soooiieeeeeeeeeeee! RAZORBACKS!
I know we're going to suck for awhile..we have a young team and a new coach but its nice to have a little pick me up win to keep the players morale high!
Woooooooooooooooo Pig Soooiieeeeeeeeeeee! RAZORBACKS!
Sooo Much To Say
But it will have to wait til tomorrow (errr today..its late lol) cause I'm tired but lets just say I'm in the best mood I've been in in FOREVER!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Horrible Mom and Other News
Yep I cancelled our game tonight. It was COLD and the rain kept coming and going. Luckily all the parents were waiting on my phone call to cancel the game tonight so my guilt is somewhat relieved. Not all because my two came home and changed immediately into their uniforms and were excited to play tonight. But I just couldn't force myself to go stand out in the rain and take a chance on getting drenched w/ Spencer in tow.
So instead we went to Target!!!! Holy shit people I have a TARGET! Walking in was a little surreal as I came to the realization that I would no longer have to drive 45 minutes away to get my target fix. Now I can literally be there in 5...count them FIVE minutes. I. AM. IN. HEAVEN.
I am going back tomorrow w/ my hubby. I had to go alone tonight w/ my kids and it was a disaster. Spencer did not want to ride in his stroller so I had to carry him the entire time. Every time I tried to set him down in the stroller he screamed bloody murder.
They were handing out cupcakes so both the big kids got one. I carefully choose two white cupcakes w/ red frosting because I thought we would fare much better w/ the white ones instead of the chocolate ones w/ white icing.
Bad idea. I wouldn't let them eat them in the store because they were too messy. So I grabbed two off the table and as I was setting them down on the stroller Spencer stuck his hand in the bright red icing! He then preceded to smear it all over my arms and hands and then he tried to eat my hands. So here I am trying to get this red icing off of me and its not coming off! It stained my hands! And Spencer. And the carseat! Still not quite sure how it got there.
So we turn to leave and are walking toward the checkout when Madison stops right in front of me and SPLAT goes the cupcake on the floor. DJ starts crying "my cupcake, my cupcake". I quickly reassure him that we will go back and get him another cupcake. A target employee appears out of nowhere and helps me out. He tells me not to worry about the floor, gathers up all my trash from my attempt at trying to clean up the floor, and tells me to stay put. Seconds later he comes back w/ wet paper towels for my hands and the kids. I try to clean the floor and he tells me not to worry about it again. Seconds later another target employee magically appears w/ another cupcake for DJ. They were lifesavers! Best customer service I've ever received at a retail store.
In other wonderful customer service news. (I just love good stories like this) Waaaay back in Feb. we ordered take out from OutBack. Our salads were crap. All four of them could easily fit into both my hands. I called the manager told me she would send out some coupons. Great! Well then we get to our main meal. Our onion was ice cold and way under cooked. Our med/rare steaks were well well done and it was all just gross. I called back and we were promised gift certificates. Well 8 mths went by and I finally wrote them last night telling them how upset I was. I wasn't even expecing a response but I got an email saying that we have $100 in gift certificates in the mail and to please let them know when we come in so they can take care of us. I am totally shocked but really happy.
So yay for good customer service!!!!!
So instead we went to Target!!!! Holy shit people I have a TARGET! Walking in was a little surreal as I came to the realization that I would no longer have to drive 45 minutes away to get my target fix. Now I can literally be there in 5...count them FIVE minutes. I. AM. IN. HEAVEN.
I am going back tomorrow w/ my hubby. I had to go alone tonight w/ my kids and it was a disaster. Spencer did not want to ride in his stroller so I had to carry him the entire time. Every time I tried to set him down in the stroller he screamed bloody murder.
They were handing out cupcakes so both the big kids got one. I carefully choose two white cupcakes w/ red frosting because I thought we would fare much better w/ the white ones instead of the chocolate ones w/ white icing.
Bad idea. I wouldn't let them eat them in the store because they were too messy. So I grabbed two off the table and as I was setting them down on the stroller Spencer stuck his hand in the bright red icing! He then preceded to smear it all over my arms and hands and then he tried to eat my hands. So here I am trying to get this red icing off of me and its not coming off! It stained my hands! And Spencer. And the carseat! Still not quite sure how it got there.
So we turn to leave and are walking toward the checkout when Madison stops right in front of me and SPLAT goes the cupcake on the floor. DJ starts crying "my cupcake, my cupcake". I quickly reassure him that we will go back and get him another cupcake. A target employee appears out of nowhere and helps me out. He tells me not to worry about the floor, gathers up all my trash from my attempt at trying to clean up the floor, and tells me to stay put. Seconds later he comes back w/ wet paper towels for my hands and the kids. I try to clean the floor and he tells me not to worry about it again. Seconds later another target employee magically appears w/ another cupcake for DJ. They were lifesavers! Best customer service I've ever received at a retail store.
In other wonderful customer service news. (I just love good stories like this) Waaaay back in Feb. we ordered take out from OutBack. Our salads were crap. All four of them could easily fit into both my hands. I called the manager told me she would send out some coupons. Great! Well then we get to our main meal. Our onion was ice cold and way under cooked. Our med/rare steaks were well well done and it was all just gross. I called back and we were promised gift certificates. Well 8 mths went by and I finally wrote them last night telling them how upset I was. I wasn't even expecing a response but I got an email saying that we have $100 in gift certificates in the mail and to please let them know when we come in so they can take care of us. I am totally shocked but really happy.
So yay for good customer service!!!!!
Monday, October 6, 2008
Horrible Soccer Mom
I am considering canceling our game tomorrow. I am the coach so yes I do have the power. It's supossed to rain tomorrow and its been raining all day today. BUT this is not the reason I want to cancel. I have an EARLY invite to our TARGET opening so I'm thinking rain or shine we cancel because we don't want to play on a wet field.
Wine....My Salvation!
Really it is. Dont mess with me at the end of the day til I've had my wine. If you couldn't tell by my earlier posts I had a shitty day. I'm surprised me and my family made it through it alive. But we're here and I've got my wine now so all is good.
One Of Those Days
It's rainy and cold outside and I want nothing more than to crawl into bed and hide under the covers for the rest of the day. I had planned on getting a bunch of cleaning done today but its just not happening. I'm tired and stressed the fuck out and the cold rain is just icing on the damn cake!
Its Too Damn Early For This
Seriously. Its 11:19 and I lost my mind about 2 and 1/2 hours ago! Anyone know where I can find it? I'm off to take a xanax (to bad its too early to drink!!!) so I don't go to jail for hurting my daughter. (I kid...sorta) I will be on later in my calm xanax induced state!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
I got a new blog look.......surely that deserves some comments! Come on people give them up. I'm begging! Really.
Neener Neener Neener!!!!
Anyone that lives around here knows we don't have my favorite store in the world.....TARGET. Well we are getting one. Drove by the other day and it said opening oct. 12th. UGHHHH...I thought (thanks to a lady on my much missed bargain board) that they would open on Oct. 8th. I was sorta depressed. Which is kinda sad if you think about it...I'm depressed because a store that I will spend a shit load of money in isn't opening when I thought it was! Boo HOO!
Well earlier today I went to help a friend help find her lost yorkie. We drove around, put up signs, and grabbed something to eat. Welllllllllll........her mama works at target and has early invites to the store and SHE GAVE ME ONE.
Yes folks that's right, I will see MY Target a day before the general public get their little hands on it. I AM BEYOND THRILLED! I have counted down the days til MY Target opens and now I get to see it an ENTIRE DAY EARLY!
But you know what's funny? I probably won't buy a damned thing! That makes me sad! BUT, the one reason I LOVE Target is their amazing clearance deals. I figure I'll have to wait a week or two to actually score some awesome deals there, but it is SO worth the wait. My mom will be here this weekend and I can guarantee we will be hitting up Target this weekend!!! I swear I will be there EVERY day til the newness wears off...which will prob be mid January! LOL!
In other news, we are also getting a Bed Bath and Beyond. It's about damn time! After Spence man was born Debi (my awesome MIL) sent me a gift card to their store. So Jer and I hopped in the car and headed to BB&B...well low and behold we ended up at Linen's and Things because we DIDNT have a BB&B. But now we do and I'm stoked!
Hmmm.....maybe I need to get a part time job to support my very soon to be new spending habits!!!!!
Well earlier today I went to help a friend help find her lost yorkie. We drove around, put up signs, and grabbed something to eat. Welllllllllll........her mama works at target and has early invites to the store and SHE GAVE ME ONE.
Yes folks that's right, I will see MY Target a day before the general public get their little hands on it. I AM BEYOND THRILLED! I have counted down the days til MY Target opens and now I get to see it an ENTIRE DAY EARLY!
But you know what's funny? I probably won't buy a damned thing! That makes me sad! BUT, the one reason I LOVE Target is their amazing clearance deals. I figure I'll have to wait a week or two to actually score some awesome deals there, but it is SO worth the wait. My mom will be here this weekend and I can guarantee we will be hitting up Target this weekend!!! I swear I will be there EVERY day til the newness wears off...which will prob be mid January! LOL!
In other news, we are also getting a Bed Bath and Beyond. It's about damn time! After Spence man was born Debi (my awesome MIL) sent me a gift card to their store. So Jer and I hopped in the car and headed to BB&B...well low and behold we ended up at Linen's and Things because we DIDNT have a BB&B. But now we do and I'm stoked!
Hmmm.....maybe I need to get a part time job to support my very soon to be new spending habits!!!!!
I Figured It Out
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Sex and The City
Just watched it. It was an okay movie. Maybe I'd like it better if I had been an avid watcher of the actual show. It was interesting to say the least and looooong!
Oh and damnit people leave me comments!!!!!! PLEASE!
Oh and damnit people leave me comments!!!!!! PLEASE!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Trimming The Fat
Holy crap! I just got my bank statement for the month and I am in SHOCK at what I spent and where. On fast food and restaurants alone I spent $449! Most of the time the food isn't even all that great! $1401 at Wal Mart and $208 at Sams. Wow! So I am going to try and Trim the Fat this next month. I am going to try not to eat out and I'm really going to watch what I spend at that horrible store lol.
Our first Target opens here next Wednesday and it will take some serious restraint not to go a little crazy in there. I do have some budgeted expenses that I won't take off my budget. Madison needs some new shirts for fall and a new dress for a wedding we have to go to. DJ needs a suit and Spence needs a black onesie and a plain white bib that I'm going to turn into a little tuxedo! And of course I need a new outfit to wear to the wedding. Other than that I'm cutting expenses!!!!
I will update here how I'm doing and please feel free to keep me on the straight and narrow!!!!
Our first Target opens here next Wednesday and it will take some serious restraint not to go a little crazy in there. I do have some budgeted expenses that I won't take off my budget. Madison needs some new shirts for fall and a new dress for a wedding we have to go to. DJ needs a suit and Spence needs a black onesie and a plain white bib that I'm going to turn into a little tuxedo! And of course I need a new outfit to wear to the wedding. Other than that I'm cutting expenses!!!!
I will update here how I'm doing and please feel free to keep me on the straight and narrow!!!!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Peas Please
Today on Oprah
Did anyone else see this? Did it bother anyone as much as its been bugging me all day long? For those who didn't see it basically this mom left her daughter in a car for 8 hours while she was at work and the little girl died. The dad normally took the daughter to daycare but he had a dentist appointment that morning so the mother took the little girl but she was never dropped off at daycare. The mother was too "busy" and forgot her little girl in a hot car for eight hours.
The whole point of the show was to tell people to "slow down" and it was basically a bunch of mothers sympathizing about how it could happen to anyone and that we are all so lucky it hasn't happened to us.
UM EXCUSE ME? Are you for real? I am just as busy as the next mom. I have 3 kids 4 and under and I can honestly say I WOULD NEVER FORGET MY CHILD IN THE CAR..EVER. No doubt in my mind that that is just not a possibility for me. And I'm sorry but you get NO sympathy from me at ALL! I guess that just makes me a heartless bitch but I'm over it. The lady I sympathized w/ is the one who put her daughters kitten in the dryer while doing laundry. THAT I can understand (especially since I have 3 lil kitties running around her right now) because that is truly an accident. Leaving your child in a car for EIGHT hours is neglect no matter how you put it.
It made me/makes me sick how many MOTHERS sympathized with this woman. Yes I'm sorry her daughter is dead BUT its her FAULT!
Whew that felt good
The whole point of the show was to tell people to "slow down" and it was basically a bunch of mothers sympathizing about how it could happen to anyone and that we are all so lucky it hasn't happened to us.
UM EXCUSE ME? Are you for real? I am just as busy as the next mom. I have 3 kids 4 and under and I can honestly say I WOULD NEVER FORGET MY CHILD IN THE CAR..EVER. No doubt in my mind that that is just not a possibility for me. And I'm sorry but you get NO sympathy from me at ALL! I guess that just makes me a heartless bitch but I'm over it. The lady I sympathized w/ is the one who put her daughters kitten in the dryer while doing laundry. THAT I can understand (especially since I have 3 lil kitties running around her right now) because that is truly an accident. Leaving your child in a car for EIGHT hours is neglect no matter how you put it.
It made me/makes me sick how many MOTHERS sympathized with this woman. Yes I'm sorry her daughter is dead BUT its her FAULT!
Whew that felt good
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
Getting My Camera TODAY!!!
I'm sooooo excited. I didn't expect it to get here until Monday so this is an awesome surprise! I can't wait to start taking pictures!!!!!!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Migraine mom I luv ya. As soon as I climb out of this dark hole of sickness I'm totally commenting on your blog...I'm even going to follow you. Yay!
My head hurts and I feel like shit. And Spence is laying next to me playing w/ some kind of activity mat and kicking my. I'm about to throw the mat out the damn window. It plays the most annoying music...EVER.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Kinda Hot...Well Sorta......
David Blaine..he's kinda hot until I think about how incredibly stupid he is w/ all his stunts!!! Then he pulls the stunt off and he's kinda hot again. That's all.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
I Spent a TON of Moolah today!!!
Money is like a double edged sword to me. I do love it but man I hate it too. Well no I take that back, I don't hate IT I just hate the stress that goes w/ spending it or not spending it. I ordered our new computer and MY NEW CAMERA and spent a couple thousand dollars today...it was excruiating and exhillarating all at the same time. (Whew talk about a panic attack!) But all the stress aside incase you missed it up there I GOT MY CAMERA TODAY!!!!!!!!! Okay, well I ordered it and I will be holding my breath til it gets here! I don't give a crap about the computer I just WANT MY CAMERA!
What kind of camera you ask???? A new Canon XSI 12.2 mp REBEL!!!! I have wanted a rebel for more than a year! I am so freaking excited in case you didn't figure that out already!!!!! Get ready to be inundated w/ TONS of AMAZING pictures. Despite my mother being an extrodinary professional photograper I know JACK SHIT about photography. Sure I can take a picture w/ a point and shoot but manual settings..yeah whatever! So I'm trying to learn. Anyone have any good tips????
In other news I went to the store today and bought whatever the hell I wanted for the first time in a long time! The big kids each got a new toy. Madaliscious got a new trunk full of dress up clothes and the Bubs got a new transformer. I got a hanging rod to hang my clothes up in the laundry room, cat food, a cat food feeder (which was NOT a feeder but a water-er so that goes back) and soda. Oh and of couse beer, I need it after this week people!
Kids had pictures tonight for soccer. Fun! No not really. Since mom is a photograper I obsess about other people taking my kids pictures. They never take any that compare to hers BUT I think these will turn out pretty good if not great. I can't wait to get them.
The game. Oh dear. The bubs has it right, he takes the ball away from the other team AND his teamates. To be fair so does everyone but I'm trying to make him understand. Madaliscious on the other hand won't even play. She just stands there and looks cute. On. The. Sidelines. It's infuriating. I guess I'm going to have to have another girl to follow in my softball footsteps cause I just don't see this girl getting into it and I want to watch my daughter play softball. Yes, as a matter of fact it IS all about me.
Soccer games exhaust me. The only thing that keeps me going until after the kids are in bed is knowing I have Bud Light in the fridge. And on that note peeps, I'm outta here. Bud's callin my name.
What kind of camera you ask???? A new Canon XSI 12.2 mp REBEL!!!! I have wanted a rebel for more than a year! I am so freaking excited in case you didn't figure that out already!!!!! Get ready to be inundated w/ TONS of AMAZING pictures. Despite my mother being an extrodinary professional photograper I know JACK SHIT about photography. Sure I can take a picture w/ a point and shoot but manual settings..yeah whatever! So I'm trying to learn. Anyone have any good tips????
In other news I went to the store today and bought whatever the hell I wanted for the first time in a long time! The big kids each got a new toy. Madaliscious got a new trunk full of dress up clothes and the Bubs got a new transformer. I got a hanging rod to hang my clothes up in the laundry room, cat food, a cat food feeder (which was NOT a feeder but a water-er so that goes back) and soda. Oh and of couse beer, I need it after this week people!
Kids had pictures tonight for soccer. Fun! No not really. Since mom is a photograper I obsess about other people taking my kids pictures. They never take any that compare to hers BUT I think these will turn out pretty good if not great. I can't wait to get them.
The game. Oh dear. The bubs has it right, he takes the ball away from the other team AND his teamates. To be fair so does everyone but I'm trying to make him understand. Madaliscious on the other hand won't even play. She just stands there and looks cute. On. The. Sidelines. It's infuriating. I guess I'm going to have to have another girl to follow in my softball footsteps cause I just don't see this girl getting into it and I want to watch my daughter play softball. Yes, as a matter of fact it IS all about me.
Soccer games exhaust me. The only thing that keeps me going until after the kids are in bed is knowing I have Bud Light in the fridge. And on that note peeps, I'm outta here. Bud's callin my name.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Last One Tongiht I Promise
To My Hubby,
I LOVE YOU! I LOVE what you are doing for our family. I am so damn proud of you. I know you are working your butt off and must be exhausted but you're doing so well. Yay for you for having all A's and totally kicking ass in school. Little 18 year olds ain't got nothing on you baby! Yep, you are going to go far in life and I am so damn proud and lucky to be going on that journey with you.
I LOVE YOU! I LOVE what you are doing for our family. I am so damn proud of you. I know you are working your butt off and must be exhausted but you're doing so well. Yay for you for having all A's and totally kicking ass in school. Little 18 year olds ain't got nothing on you baby! Yep, you are going to go far in life and I am so damn proud and lucky to be going on that journey with you.
Oh Henry!
You suck! Just thought you should know that. For over two years now you've been a part of my mom's life which means you've been a part of MY childrens lives. My kids ADORE you and everytime they see my mom or know shes coming they ask about Henry. Especially Madison..I think my little girl has a little girl crush on you (although what she sees I just don't know!). But ENOUGH already. I hope you are once and for all gone from my mom's life...this constant back and forth for the past year is stupid...honestly its juvenille. Grow up. You're like 50..not in high school and more than capable of "knowing" what you want in life. Mid life or not dude get over yourself. Get in your little "I'm having a midlife crisis corvette" and ride off into the sunset. Let my mom move on and get w/ a guy who deserves her, will worship her and will love her family like his own. Ughhhh.
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