Wednesday, December 3, 2008


I HAVE ALMOST QUIT SMOKING!!!!!!!!! I'M DOWN TO TWO A DAY!!!! This is huge people! Less than two weeks ago I smoked more than two packs a day and now only two a day AND I will quit those too! Just thought I'd share! My grandparents would be so proud!

And speaking of my grandparents, its been a year since my poppop died. I think he came to me in a dream last night. NO, I'm not crazy! BUT, I had a dream about him last night and when I woke up I had a sense of peace.

Now get ready for a huge post of pics!!!!!


Brooke said...

YAY! Keep it up! I KNOW you can do it! :)

Jimme said...

WOO HOO IM SOOO PROUD OF YOU!!!!!!!!! really i know how much of a struggle you have had with these for what like 5 yrs now:) AGAIN WOO HOO keep up the good work

Anonymous said...

I am so proud of you!!! Keep it up!!

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