Monday, August 1, 2011

And Baby Makes SIX!!!

Yes, it's true! We are going to have another baby!!!! At first we were completely shocked by the news but once the reality of everything settled in we got pretty excited! I'm the most excited I think! For the hubs it's exciting and terrifying all at the same time because he's trying to find a job and it's turning out to be much harder out here in Cali than it was in Arkansas! BUT I have faith that everything will work out the way it is supossed to! Moving to Cali was such a giant leap of faith for both of us and so far it's turning out pretty dang good so I have to believe that God had a plan for us to move away from my home town to Cali to start over and this baby seems like a great place to start!

The BIG kids are thrilled! DJ of course wants a brother, but honestly I think he'd be okay with a brother or a sister. Maddie on the other hand REALLY wants a sister!!! She told me tonight that she would be REALLY ANGRY if we "got a brother." I laughingly explained that it was up to God to decide whether or not we get a sister or a brother and that we should be happy with either one...I don't think she was too thrilled with my answer lol!

I secretly...okay NOT so secretly REALLY want a GIRL too!!! I really want Mads to have a sister but honestly I will be thrilled with another baby period! (But dear god, please please PLEASE let us have a girl) :)

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Loving California!!!!

Title pretty much says it all :) We've been here just a little bit over a month and we fall in love with it more each and every day! The weather is AMAZING...highs in the 70's and 80's almost every day! It's wonderful!!! From all the face book posts from my friends back home I am glad we moved when we did...they are experiencing highs in the upper 90's to 100's EVERY day! I would be dying for sure!!!

The kids are having sooooooo much fun here! Every day they are out riding their bikes, swimming, playing pool, and even going to art lessons with their great grandma! The artwork they are creating is fabulous...especially for a 6 and 7 year old! We've gone to the boardwalk and even taken them to San Francisco!

Speaking of San Francisco, Jerry and I are IN LOVE with that city! We took the kids on a Saturday and then went back again the next day with my sis and futrue brother in law and our new friends Heidi and Brian. We walked and walked and walked....wait..did I mention we WALKED all over the city! There is so much to see there and as much as we walked we didn't even come close to seeing everything. We will def be going back SOON.

The best part of moving to Cali is getting to know all my family. Getting to know my Dad has probably been the most special part for me since growing up there was such a void in my life since he wasn't in it, BUT I've learned a LOT about him and so far so good! My step mom is amazing as well! She is so sweet and the kids just adore her! For the first time they have grandparents that enjoy spending time with them and love spoiling them to death! The kids are in absolute HEAVEN with all the love and attention they are receiving. Annnnnd they get a ton of love and attention from their aunt and uncles! Getting to know my brother and sister has been really really neat! My brother is an extremely talented drummer, guitarist,, lets just go with amazing muscian...all self taught too! He's in a band called The Soothing Sound of Flight and we're going to see them perform in a battle of the bands this Friday night...EXCITED!!! My sis is super talented as well...she's got a voice that will knock your socks off! They're both really really neat kids and they are great with my kids! There is soooo much love in this house.  Was so scared to move but I'm so happy we took the chance and ended up here!!!!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Breaking News

We are moving to California!!! San Jose, California to be exact. We decided to move on Monday an now have only 15 days to pack up and move across country. HOLY CRAP!!! Why California? Why now? Well, why not? LOL We have a great opportunity to move out there and reconnect with my Dad and that whole side of the family. I saw my dad very little growing up, the last time I remember seeing him I was 9. He flew out for Madison's first birthday but that was almost 6 years ago. I have a brother that I haven't seen since he was 9 months old and a 20 year old sister that I have never met. I also have grandparents that I haven't seen since I was 9. This is a huge opportunity for us and an even bigger adventure! The kids are sooo excited to meet their new family! The kids are going to have so much to do and I am so excited for them.

Now with all this excitement of course there is a lot of sadness. Fort Smith is my home...always has been home to me and always will be. My family is here and most of my friends are here. I cry at least 100 times a day but I know it's all going to be ok and everything will work out the way it is supossed to! Probably won't be posting much in the next few weeks but you never know....I may be posting more than ever and documenting our move.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

That's How I Roll

Yes people it is 5 am on Sat. morning, I havent been to bed....I'm doing laundry....almost dry...but while that is drying I'm dying my hair. Unfortunately that means I"m about to have to fold it and hang it up shortly but then I'll get to hop in the shower and have a new kick ass hair color...woot woot!!!!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

I'm On A Boat (ft. T-Pain) - Album Version

Do NOT listen to if you're offeneded by bad language....oh hell what am I talking about..if you're offened by bad language you wouldn't be reading my blog. Flippy Floppies Biatches!!!!

Spring Has Sprung

Oh what a glorious day! Absolutely loving this weather! Kids are outside playing in the backyard and I'm enjoying beautiful warm  HOT sun shining down on me!!! Soooo happy we are going to have nice weather ALL of springbreak so my kids can run and play outside and use up some of their neverending energy!  This is both a plus for them and for me because it ensures that they won't drive me to the point of complete craziness! Hope everybody has enjoyed their weekend and has a wonderful next week!!!!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

March of Dimes

On April 9th I am going to attempt to walk 5 miles in support of the March of Dimes with my Kickin Wicks Scentsy Team. Hopefully I don't keel over but our team is trying to raise $1000 to donate to this wonderful cause and so if you would like to support us and The March of times please click on the link below and donate! Any amount helps and is greatly appreciated!!

On another note, I was really debating whether or not I could actually walk 5 WHOLE miles but I had some major inspiration from my IRL friend BROOKE and fellow blogger this morning!!!! Check out her story here: !!! Her story made me realize that if she can RUN a 5K just because surely I can WALK 5 miles for such a worthy cause. Thanks Brooke for the inspiration to get me off of my butt and do something worthwhile!!!!!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Just In Case You Care

Started The New Blog

And made it don't you judge me! It's nice to finally have a diagnosis and not feel like I'm just a crazy person. Still dealing with the migraines but we changed meds today so hopefully that helps! Also doc is pretty sure I've got hypothroidism so getting tested for that...should find out tomorrow. Said it's common for people with mood disorders to have thyroid problems as well and I have almost every sign of hypothryroidism which aslo runs in my family. Hoooorayyyyy for finally having some answers! Hopefully this is the road to me feeling like a normal human being again!!! Fingers crossed!!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Big Day Tomorrow

WooHoo tomorrow is the day I've been waiting for what feels like forever! My doctors appointment! FINALLY going to get a full blood workup done and that yearly girly screening...can't say I'm looking forward to that particular part but it is part of life! I AM looking forward to finally getting some answers to why I have been feeling like complete and utter crap the past few months. The migraines, the pure and total exhaustion, the muscle's GOT to end. This is not the life I want to live....I want to happy and healthy and full of energy again. Today I laid in bed until 4...yes that's 4 PM with a heating pad, got up, took a shower and went to parent teacher conferences and then soccer practice and came back completely exhausted, feeling like I'd run a marathon or something. So hopefully tomorrow I will have some answers!!

Parent teacher conferences went well. Both teachers told us how great and wonderful our kids were. DJ's teacher told us he was having some problems focusing and I informed her that we just recently put him back on his adhd meds so hopefully he will get better. Madison's teacher told us how much more focused she had become and I informed her that we recently started her on adhd meds and she was thrilled and could tell what a difference it had made. Her grades are up...almost all A's and she's almost a full grade ahead in reading! They both took a state test last week, Mads made a 90 on it and DJ made a 55...out of 100, so my concern for DJ's need to be tested for developmental delays increases. I don't want him to be made fun of if he needs special classes but I also don't want him to go without them if he needs them. I'm thinking I'm going to try and get him tested over the summer and go from there.

Friday, March 11, 2011

New Blog

Yep I'm thinking about it.......and since I'm thinking about it it's probably going to happen. The new blog will be totally different from this one as it will target one specific thing and not really involve my kids or family. It is more for me, a journal of sorts, and I hope in some way it will provide knowledge and information and perhaps even some peace for someone that has been scouring the internet for answers like I have been. I say I'm thinking about it, but let's face it, I'm going to do it. It's my new project. And right now I need a project to keep my mind off everything else...I'm excited. I really hope it helps someone....and I hope its therapeutic for me as well :)

Joke of the Day

President Obama was vistiting a primary school and visited the 1st grade classes. The class was in the middle of a lesson on words and their meaning. Obama asked if any of the kids could give the meaning of the word "tragedy?" One little boy stood up and said, "If my best friend was playing in the road and got hit by a car and was killed that would be a tragedy." Obama replied, "No, that would be an accident." So a little girl stood up and said, "if a bus carrying 50 students ran off a cliff and everyone died that would be a tragedy." Obama replied, "no, that would be a great loss." So the room went silent and then Little Johnny stood up and said, "If you and Mrs. Obama were in a plane and it got hit by a "friendly fire" missle and you all died that would be a tragedy." Obama replied, "yes Johnny that would be a tragedy, but can you tell me why?" Johnny said, "because it sure as hell won't be a great loss and you can bet your ass it probably wasn't an accident."


Sooo much for the furniture people coming today motivating me...I called and rescheduled for tomorrow! Such a slacker!!!

But not too much of a slacker...going to have 5 kids here tonight, so in my defense I'm resting up for the chaos that is about to erupt inside my house! And then tomorrow I'll only have 1 kid for most of the day so will get lots accomplished tomorrow....hopefully!!!

Hope everyone has a grrrrreeaaattttt weekend!!!!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

This and That

I re-read my entire blog.....kinda depressing. One promise after one promise after another...not a single one kept....well I have lost a lot of weight but I had nothing to do with that really. Still haven't quit smoking....I haven't quit drinking but I have cut down quite a bit...but still. Epic FAIL. Made me realize something....did a lot of research..more on that later on, but absolutely no more promises on a new improved better me on this blog cause re-reading it just makes me sad.

In other news................I REALLY REALLY miss my camera :( My camera bag complete w/ my canon rebel xsi, two lenses, charger, and my flip were all stolen from my truck in December. With soccer season upon us I really NEED my camera!!! I'm looking into finding a used Rebel because I just can't go to a point and shoot after my kick ass rebel. *Stomps Feet* Call me what...why YES I AM DAMNIT! STILL working with insurance peeps but thats taking FOREVER and I'm missing memories here people!!!

In even more important news, Mads has decided to play soccer! Not sure if we'll be able to get her signed up because its so late but fingers crossed! She played two seasons when we coached and she was NOT havin it but now that they've moved up into another league and she realized she would be playing with girls only she is stoked about it so hopefully we can get her in cause nothin would make this mama more proud that watchin her maddie paddie rockin the soccer field...well unless she was rockin the pitchers mound :)

Take That

Laundry AND Dishes....Soooo There! Now if all this dang laundry would magically fold itself and put itself away :P

Dang I'm Lazy

I really need to get up off my bootie! For reals ya'll! I don't know what is going on but I have zero energy zero motivation...NADA! Ashley's furniture is coming tomorrow to pick up my couches to see if they can fix fyi, they can't, the color on my $5000 LEATHER couches is coming off, soooooo guess who will end up getting new couches! Yay me! This is the second set of Ashley real LEATHER furniture we've bought that the color has come off in less than a year so never again will I buy Ashley. I even expressed my concern to the saleman last year when we purchased these couches and he promised me he had never heard of anything like that happening and assured me we would have no problem with our new couches. Hmmmmph....oh well, maybe I won't have to buy new couches ever again! They can just keep replacing my couches every year lol! Hmmmm....laundry or dishes...maybe both...don't get your hopes up!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Well Hello....Again

So, I messed up "mah" blog and promised to be back over a year time flies when you're having fun I guess! Obviously, I'm not going to try and fit an entire year into a post because lets face it, nobody probably even checks my blog anymore anyways since I've been such a slacker lol. But, I do however plan to start writing regularly again, mostly for therapeutic reasons though. I've been having horrible migraines that have seriously interferred with my life. Hoping to get some real answers at my next doctors appointment but I'm not holding my breath! I'll be back on later and put up some pic of the kids with some updates on all of how they have grown :) Feels good to be bloggity blogging again even if this is short and sweet!!! :)
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