Thursday, May 28, 2009

Star Student

DJ was awarded Star Student at the pre-K graduation ceremony today. He was the FIRST one called up on stage and he was ecstatic.

In previous assemblies if he didn't get to go on stage for student of the month or most improved he was devastated.

But his star student award is his pride and joy. He's over the moon about it and I'm over the moon about him right now.

Maddie received an award ribbon that says "I Did It" because even though she's not in the older class she is still going to kindergarten next year.

I took pics but they didn't turn out very good...I think my camera was on the wrong setting. I may post one or two...I know I still haven't posted pictures from wet and wild..maybe tomorrow.

DJ being dianosed legally blind has really put many things into perspective for me. When we first heard the news we were beyond devastated and in a way we still are but now I'm finding a lot of the little joys in life that we all probably overlook too often.

The other day I saw a Dad pushing a girl on a swing on my way to get the kids from school and it just put an extra ounce or so of joy in my day. Something the day before I probably wouldn't have even given a second thought to.

We are strong. He is strong. And no matter what we're going to make it and have a great time doing it!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

First Try At a Video

DJ scoring one of many goals!!!!

Wordless Wednesday

Eye on the ball.........

ARE YOU READY??? He's impatient!

This is DJ "blind" playing soccer! My kid is AMAZING! :)

Sucker Punched

Have you ever been sucker punched? I felt like I had been yesterday when we found out our "news." We were sitting in that doctors office waiting for him to give us good news. To tell us that SOMETHING could be done to help our child.

The doctor could barely look us in the eyes...he didn't want to tell us that our son would never be NORMAL. Jerry and I have dreamed of giving DJ a mustang when he turned 16 so I asked the doc if he would be able to drive. The answer was a very definitive NO, NEVER. That was the sucker punch.

NEVER drive???? So scratch the big deal in the big picture but what about driving himself to work, driving his pregnant wife to the hospital, driving his family around..I know they are all menial things but they are things that we all take for granted every day.

Standing in that doctor's office I broke down. It literally felt like all the air was sucked out of my body..I couldn't breathe. It's just one of the joys of panic attacks but this one was rough. I finally pulled myself together enough to go check out and we leave.

Yesterday I was an emotional wreck..I just couldn't pull myself together. By the end of the day I was sick from all the crying and the roller coaster of emotions but today I'm a little better.

DJ has a beautiful spirit and a real zest for life. He takes such joy in the little things. He is truly amazing at soccer...hey, I need a sticker that says my blind kid can kick your kids ass in soccer lol. He's good at tball, great in school, and overall a pretty good kid. He has his moments but who doesn't?

I know he will do great things and he won't let a little thing like not being able to see stand in his way! He will brighten peoples day, he'll still be my sweet little boy, and he may even inspire people.

Jerry and I have decided that he is to be treated no differently than he was before. We are not going to treat him as if he is disabled. Just like with the adhd...he doesn't know why he takes medicine every day, he just takes it and goes on his merry little way.

I know things are going to be crazy around here for awhile as we all adjust so any thoughts or prayers would be greatly appreiciated!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Short Post

It happened. DJ was declared legally blind today. I'm too emotionally drained to go into it right now. I've been crying since around noon and I'm just spent. I'm going to go take my crazy pills, a few xanax, some tylenol pm, my wine and try to call it a night. I just need to forget tonight and get some sleep.

I'll come back and post details later along with those pics I promised.

Also, I 'm going to try and post a video I took of my "blind" kid kicking ass at soccer tonight....

Friday, May 22, 2009

No Pics Yet...

So I went to the wet-n-wild thing. Stood around taking a bunch of pictures for about an hour. Madison let me know I could go now when she stood there with her hands on her hips and said "mom you can go now!"

Uh, thanks Mads for your permission to leave! Jeez!

So I went and told DJ I was leaving and kissed him and he wiped my kiss off little stinker!


NO this is not a pornographic post although it sounds like one lol. Today is Wet-n-Wild today at school. Parents are encouraged to attend..oh yay! I don't want to go. I know its horrible but this is my next to last Friday alone with Spencer before Summer Break...I want to enjoy it.

But I am going...see what a wonderful freaking mother I am. You wanna know why I am going? Of course you don't but I'm going to tell you anyway. I'm going so I can work on my tan. I'm going with Baby Oil on...I'm tired of being as white as a ghost. Don't worry I won't burn. Kinda funny I will be slathering all 3 of my kids with sunscreen while I'm covered in oil!

I am dreading this so much. Just imagine an entire school of wild wet kids running all over. I'm sure I'll get some great pics though which you know I'll make you look at later cause I have to show off how awesomely (is that even a word...I think not) cute my kids are!

Tonight is t-ball for DJ. Mads has told me that maybe she will play next summer. I am trying to bribe her with gymnastics classes.

Me: If you play t-ball I'll sign you up for gymnastics. Won't that be fun!!!

Mads: Um, let's just do gymnastics!

Me: No you have to prove to me that you will finish what you start so I don't waste more money on your activities.

Mads: Ughhhh ok mom I'll play next summer.

Me: No Mads you have to play tomorrow night.

Mads: Fine mom...said in a 13 years old attitudey ( not a word either I know ) voice.

Ya'll that girl is going to give me a run for my money I tell ya. She's like a 16 year old in a 4 years old body. Scary people...The entire country should be afraid of her!

I know I'm rambling but yesterday at our soccer game I was talking to another mom about DJ being considered legally blind and she said he was AMAZING and an INSPIRATION. She was like "no way he can see..look how good he is..his footwork is amazing!" I'm going to get a cord for my video camera and try and put a video on here of his footwork because it is absolutely amazing. He totally ruled that field yesterday!

Did You Know?

Cat owners are up to 40% less likely to die of cardiovascular disease than not cat owners! Pretty interesting..wonder if since I have 2 cats I'm 80% less likely...haha. Just thought it was interest little fact that I'd share from All You magazine!

Also from that magaizine is my horoscope.

Here is what it says: "Let it go. Put it down. Fold it up. Tidy it away. Leave it alone. Forget about it. Do something else instead. Focus your attention elsewhere. Anywhere. It hardly matters. But allow some kind of distraction to enter your life. This is the only way you are going to gain perspective. Next month, that's what you need more than anything else. You are too close to a sensitive situation. Because you don't have objectivity, you are dwelling on details that are confusing. Mars in your sign brings a break from all that in July. Beome clear--and then you'll have a real victory!"

I really hope this is true for June. I have been dwelling on DJ's upcoming eye appointment and its making me crazy. So if its true it looks like there may be brighter days ahead! Fingers Crossed!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Wordless Wednesdays!

It's Official...

I'm losing my mind. I went to the post office today to mail some stuff off and I'm walking out to my truck and I hear someones car running. I look around and there is nobody sitting in an idling car. Weird right?

Yeah....I left my truck running when I ran into the post office! I'm such a dork. Glad nobody decided to take it!

Batting 1000

So last night we had our second t-ball game. We had sooooo much fun cheerin for our lil guy. Mads didn't play but we are trying not to push her...the kids on that team are 2 years older than her and I think she feels a little intimidated by them. She's told me twice now that she's "nervous" so we're just going with whatever she wants to do. Hopefully she'll come around but who knows.

So back to the was a close one! We only beat them by one point! I was the crazy mama jumpin up and down for the team but then again I wasn't the only one! DJ only got to bat once but he made it all the way home and that was exciting! Right now he's playing right field so he doesn't get much action on the field but that kid is READY. EVERY.SINGLE. TIME!!!

Watching him interact with the rest of his team was a little disheartening. He is terribly shy until he gets to know people and then he's a total clown. He was just sitting there hanging out, not cheering like the other boys and it was a little sad.

After the game was over we had this parent come up to us and he introduced himself and was like "can I talk to you guys? I don't want to be offensive but...."(Now I think he is going to be like "ma'am I understand that you like to take a LOT of pictures but can you kindly remove yourself from the field lol) Instead he said "can I pray with you for your son. (Insert initial anger and then tears) We said sure and he prayed for DJ and said that the Lord was going to give us a miracle and cure DJ's sight. (Just a note..I am crying as I write this and I don't cry but it really impacted me) So we're sitting there in the middle of a tball field and I am trying to hold it together. Some stranger is out there PRAYING for MY BABY so that he can SEE and be NORMAL. I haven't prayed in a VERY VERY long time...probably not since my dad died because I was so angry with god for taking him away so early. BUT I PRAYED MY HEART OUT LAST NIGHT.

I want so much for him to be able to see and play like other normal children. I want him to have a NORMAL life not be hindered by his eyes the rest of his life. I would do anything to make sure everything would turn out ok for him. I told the parents on his tball team that he had been diagnosed as legally blind so they wouldn't think he wasn't paying attention or just stupid and they were all so understanding. This guys wife must have told him and he told us he felt "called" to pray with us and that God had told him that DJ was going to be ok. GOD I HOPE HE IS RIGHT.

We have an appointment next Tues. in Tulsa and we are hoping for the best. I don't know that I've ever asked for prayers on here or anywhere else really but please if you pray, pray for my little boy. Pray that he can see and enjoy all the wonders this wonderful life has to offer him. Pray for me to be strong and not be bawling while typing a blog post lol. We need all the prayers we can get for his sight and our strength!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Being Green

I tried really. I tried really hard but I'm just not as green as I want to be...I HAVE to have my paper plates. I hate doing dishes and since giving up my paper plates I am doing dishes sometimes twice a day. So, I am buying paper plates again. And my sparkling water that comes in bottles...sorry earth!!!!

Friday, May 8, 2009


Had our first game tonight and we won 14-9. Madison wouldn't play and I'm thinking of just taking her off the team because I am not going to fight her to play every single game. DJ had fun! He hit the ball and he even fielded one...he was estatic.

The coach on the other team though..OMG. He was screaming and yelling at his players. Our parents were cracking up at the chaos that we are calling tball. It was hilarious. All the kids ran toward the ball no matter where it was and then instead of throwing it to first they would run the ball over to first. Funny stuff.

So at one point, one of the other teams players didn't step on a base. The ump saw it and called the kid out. So our next turn at bat we had the bases loaded and a kid hits a home run. That other coach came out screaming that the kid didn't touch third. SCREAMING. Me, being the big mouth I am, hollered out My God People, It's Just T-Ball!!!! It was nuts. Ump ruled that the kid did in fact touch the base and I swear the other coach turned purple.

I want to get a shirt that says "Relax, it's just a game! I never imagined people would freak out over tball. I thought it was for fun...

Not a Good Post.........

Went to the eye doc for DJ today. That appointment sucked. Worst. Appointment. EVER. First, it was just me, DJ and Spence. Spence was a pain in the ass. But was even worse was when the nurse was trying to put eye drops in DJ's eyes. Wasn't happening. So I said "Want me to try? I used to do this for a living." So nursey hands over the drops and I try to put them in. It's a total no go. (Man where the fuck is Jerry...ooh yeah he's taking his last final...dumbass..(not really mad at him but man could I have used him!))

So what do I do....I sit on the floor and try to hold him down........NOT. HAPPENING. It took me and the nurse holding him down to get the damn drops in. I almost left but we preservered. Finally after a few gallons of sweat (why don't they air condition the crap out of doctors offices...nothing worse than being stuck in a room that is hot with two cranky kids) we got the drops in.

Doc comes in. Does his thing........And then I see his brow start to furrow...but he doesn't say anything. Finally he says "has he seen a pediatric opthamologist yet?" me: " uh year up until he was 3 and especially when he had his first eye surgery" Then NOTHING. Brow furrows further.

DOC: "He's not seeing too good out of his right (good) eye.

Me: How bad is it?

Doc: "Well he is legally blind in both eyes.

ME: WTF...tears........OMG.........tears.........R U SURE.........tears. OMG OMG OMG

My sweet baby boy is BLIND in BOTH eyes. We've always know about the left eye being bad (he has a lens thicker than a coke bottle on that side) but the right side has always been his GOOD side.

I'm worried about how this will affect him later on. It is just so sad. We have another appt for another opinion in July. Hopefully it will go better!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


I forgot to tell ya'll..yesterday when I went to Target and got FOUR digital picture frames for $89...they were normally $89 each so I basically bought one and got THREE FREE!!! Yea! Now I'm putting them in the mail for mothers day!


FREE 8x10 at WalGreens...TODAY ONLY!

Free food from KFC!

Free dessert at Fridays on mother's day!

When I Grow Up

This is all I've heard from my kids lately...Mads has decided she is going to have 6 babies, be an acrobat (see previous post) have a little dog, and yesterday asked who would be the daddy to her babies. Whoa girl...gettin ahead of yourself don't ya think? She tells me all the time what she's going to do when she gets her own house!

Her: "I'm going to have six babies."

Me: "Oh yeah whose going to clean up all the messes?"

Her: "Me."

Me: "Well you don't clean up after yourself now how are you going to clean a whole house?"

Her: " Well, you can come to my house next door and help me."

Me: "uh, ya think?"

So my girl has it all figured out at the ripe old age of four. All she has to do is pick out her babies daddy! She scares the ever lovin shit out of me. We've already decided we will ground her from age 13 to age 30!!!!

Holy Mother of GOD!

I swear it hasn't quit raining here in a month..ok I'm exagerrating but seriously I don't remember the last time I saw the sun. AND we're expected to have another 10 DAYS of rain. What the fuck, over? Seriously rain I LOVE you but I love you more when you bring your ole frind the THUNDER STORM. This bleak pathetic little snivels of rain just ain't cuttin it anymore. If you're going to continue crying on my life at least let me witness the dramatics that go with it. I'm sick of your pity party unless its full of drama!

So our soccer game of course was rained out today and our tball game was as well. That's good because I didn't have to sit in the rain but baaaaddd because my kids LOVE their sports. So to cheer them up we took them out to eat at a mexican place to celebrate Cinco de Mayo with a promise to take them to a big surprise if they ate their dinners.

The big surprise was the circus. Woo fun. I've never been to a circus but if I ever go to another one I'm going to make sure its a GOOD one. No, ONE elephant just isn't going to cut it for me. I expect at least one tiger and one bear in the act. And a bona fide trapeze act.. not two guys not really knowing what the hell they are doing.

But the most important thing is the kids had a blast. Maddie was more into it than dj though. She was dancing and clapping and was so scared when those guys were on the trapeze. But what is up with all the crap they try to sell you at the circus??? And people actually BUY it. The kids wanted these glo stick swords and we considered getting them one but they were $12 EACH. For real??? You want to spend $12 on something that won't glow tomorrow......ummm I think not.

The kids rode the elephant (which was another 10 bucks btw) and DJ was like whatever but Mads was TERRIFIED. It was hilarious. I don't think my girl likes heights and I so don't blame her.

DJ on the other hand wanted to go on this wheel thing know where the guy walks around and around in and on a wheel and it go waaaay up in the air. He cried because he didn't get to try it. I told him it was only for big kids and he immediately replied "well when I get bigger I'm going to be in the circus and ride the wheel." Um, OVER. MY. DEAD. BODY. kid. We all know that circus performers are all estranged from their family and kinda freaky.

Don't most kids want to grow up and be doctors or astronauts???? Then Mads decided she was going to grow up and be an acrobat in the circus..........UGHHHH maybe I should start my own circus. Oooh I could call it "The Family Circus".........orginal ehhhh?

Monday, May 4, 2009

Breakfast in Bed......

Ehhh not really! So Jer and I were being lazy in bed this morning and Madison started talking about a mouse. Just jibber jabbering on about a mouse..we ignored her because my girl has a wild imagination. A few minutes later she came into the room and very nonchalantly put a baby mouse on my bed....ALIVE. WTF!?!?!? I screamed like a little girl and made her pick it up and give it to daddy.

Since we have lived in this house we have had live birds brought in to us, 3 moles, a rabbit's head (we found the body later..eww), crawdad's and today a freaking mouse!!!!

NO I do not live in the country!!!!!! I live in the city but appearantly my cats (now only cat) really love us because they keep bringing me these "gifts". Um, ewwwwwww.

Friday, May 1, 2009


I'm not feeling so hot today. I have zero energy and a terrible cough. Maybe its the swine flu...KIDDING! I'm so sick of hearing about it though! Kids are outside playing in the street...luckily we live on a not so busy street!!!!

I can't seem to do anything right with Spence man today but of course that's the case since I feel like going to sleep and never waking up! Why do I only feel like crap on days that Jerry has to work? Monday he came home because I really thought I was going to die before I figured out that it was just a gallbladder attack!

Tomorrow I'm playing in a softball tourney so I CAN'T be sick!!! I haven't played in a game in almost 10 years (oh my shit I'm getting OLD) but I know its going to be a blast! Probably be a little sore but that's ok!

I'm starting my own little project called move it it may where I exercise for at least 30 mins every day...NO EXCUSES (except for today). Guess I'll start tomorrow!

Hope everyone has a great weekend...I know we're going to be crazy busy as usual!
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