Friday, May 22, 2009

Did You Know?

Cat owners are up to 40% less likely to die of cardiovascular disease than not cat owners! Pretty interesting..wonder if since I have 2 cats I'm 80% less likely...haha. Just thought it was interest little fact that I'd share from All You magazine!

Also from that magaizine is my horoscope.

Here is what it says: "Let it go. Put it down. Fold it up. Tidy it away. Leave it alone. Forget about it. Do something else instead. Focus your attention elsewhere. Anywhere. It hardly matters. But allow some kind of distraction to enter your life. This is the only way you are going to gain perspective. Next month, that's what you need more than anything else. You are too close to a sensitive situation. Because you don't have objectivity, you are dwelling on details that are confusing. Mars in your sign brings a break from all that in July. Beome clear--and then you'll have a real victory!"

I really hope this is true for June. I have been dwelling on DJ's upcoming eye appointment and its making me crazy. So if its true it looks like there may be brighter days ahead! Fingers Crossed!

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