Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Short Post

It happened. DJ was declared legally blind today. I'm too emotionally drained to go into it right now. I've been crying since around noon and I'm just spent. I'm going to go take my crazy pills, a few xanax, some tylenol pm, my wine and try to call it a night. I just need to forget tonight and get some sleep.

I'll come back and post details later along with those pics I promised.

Also, I 'm going to try and post a video I took of my "blind" kid kicking ass at soccer tonight....


Anonymous said...

Claude Monet and Eduard Degas, painters, John Milton, the poet, Ray Charles and Stevie Wonder, musicians, Helen Keller, author and philanthropist, Samson, the biblical hero, Paul the Apostle, Louis Braille, inventor, Homer, greek poet... all were blind or partially sighted, all were great. Your Son will be too, in his own right.

Jaime said...

Thank you for your kind words... I know he will be amazing. It's just hard to digest!

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