Saturday, June 21, 2008

A Long Night

Last night was kinda rough. Spencer wasn't feeling real well so he was up for quite a while this morning....not fun! I think his tummy was pretty upset and I felt so bad for him but man I wanted that kid to go to sleep. No such luck! He ended up sleeping on Jerry's chest until he had to go to work but by then it was after 6 so not much sleep to be had before the DJ and Maddie got up. Needless to say nothing has been done around the house today lol. The kids are dressed, me and Spence are not and Jerry is STILL at work. (Yay for work cause we can definetly use the $25/hr he makes when he gets called in...but damn I really wish he were home!) So far today kids are being pretty good, thank God and Spence Man is asleep..woohoo! Long list of to-do's today so I'm really ready for Jerry to get home so we can get some stuff done!

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