Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Nothing Accomplished Today

Whew...last night was a rough one w/ Spencer. Jerry was up until about 4 with him and then he woke me up. I don't know whats going on w/ little man. He seems very uncomfortable when he eats and sometimes just screams like hes in pain. I'm sure its just gas but its still very disturbing to me. So I think I may try him on some new bottles or something...any suggestions out there? So I went back to bed around 8 and got up at 11 w/ a headache from hell. I have just been taking it easy all day basically leaving the kids to fend for themselves lol. Ok not really but they have actually been really good today and little man is finally catching some zzzz's. I think I'm going to try and tackle the kitchen in a minute and get at least one full load of laundry done today. Oh and the kiddos want to do that right now!!!


Unknown said...

what kind of formula is he on? My youngest did the same type things. He would cry like he was in pain and pull his legs up.
Try gas drops, and massaging his belly.
We also had to switch to soy formula and reflux meds. I would talk to your ped about it asap, reflux is NO fun.

Jaime said...

hes on soy when hes not eating pumped milk from me! plus we add drops to every bottle that he gets. i don't think itsreflux because hes not spitting anything up but who knows! yhanks for the advice though! sorry for no one handed at the moment lol

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