Saturday, November 8, 2008

Doesn't Get Much Better Than This

So my big kids had a short week at school. Only 3 days. Am I a horrible mom if I tell you I was dreading the two additional days they'd be out of school??? I love them, I really do, but man do these two FIGHT and SCREAM and WHINE and GET ON YOUR VERY LAST NERVE!

During the week Spence Man and I have a schedule. Some of which includes sleeping in the mornings after I've sat up w/ him for half the night. We both need our me.

Well, me and the big kids had two pretty amazing days! Yes they fought, and whined, and screamed and got on at least a few of my nerves but they also played, shared, laughed, and smiled..a LOT!

They spent hours outside playing their little hearts out. I am lucky that my living room looks out into my front yard so I can watch them play while taking care of Spence. And Spence and I even got the chance to get out there and play chase with them. I was holding Spence and the kids would run by and I'd reach spences' little hands out and touch the big kids and yell "TAG" and they would crack up laughing. Even Spencer. He was literally cracking up and my god I love his little laugh.

(Side note: isn't it funny how different childrens' laughs are. DJ's giggles are like bubbles from his belly..they just escape his mouth in spurts and are contagious. Madisons giggles are LOUD and SCREECHY. Although I love knowing my little girl is happy her screams, I mean laughs, makes me want to invest in ear plugs. They are just SO. LOUD. Spencers laugh is just so dang cute because its so new to us. I'm sure he'll develop his own giggle personality soon and I can't wait. Right now just hearing him laugh is wonderful because its all so new!

The best part about my kids playing outside all day??? They sleep like rocks! But tonight they aren't in thier beds! They are on a pallet on the living room floor because we were watching their movies earlier. And Spence is on the couch. (He is battling a cold so I prefer to keep him close) So all three of my sweet babies are laying in the same room I'm blogging in fast asleep lost in the sweetest of dreams!


Jimme said...

i love days like that when everything is going great :) glad ya'll had such a great day... you rethinkin sending them to daycare for winter break??? lol

Jaime said...

oh hell no...they're still going!!!

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