Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Forget You All

Really people. I FINALLY get you gorgeous pictures of my adorable children and nobody, not even one of you, write me back to tell me how adorable they are!?! WTF!?! (Jimme you are the exception since we were IM'ing at the time) I am talking about family here. And ya'll wonder why I'm less than thrilled to go to this wedding. I feel like NOBODY cares about my family. My kids really got screwed in the grandparent department. Is it really that hard to send my kids a birthday card. "Hey grandkid, I love you, Happy Birthday". Try it w/ me..."Hey grandkid, I love you, happy birthday!" See it wasn't that hard now was it? So when I send you pictures of my amazingly beautiful kids write me back ASAP so that I know you saw how absolutely gorgeous they are and what pretty kids I have!! I don't ask for much but.............


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry that happened!

Jaime said...

Thanks...and I still haven't received ONE email from the 5 people I sent them to..It pisses me off!

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