Thursday, October 23, 2008


I just went to by cigarettes at EZ Mart. Handed them my military ID and they wouldn't sell them to me. I am almost 28 Damned years old.

Are you fucking kidding me?

Really? So I ask them why they won't accept it and they tell me its because its not state issued. No, dumb shit it's not state issued, it's FEDERALLY issued. Way better if you ask me. So I called and spoke to a manager and she said "well ma'am, that's our policy."

"Since when?" I ask.

"Um, it always has been." she replies.

That is when I go on to tell her that she is full of shit. I have been using my military id there since 2000 and never, NOT ONE FREAKING TIME, have I had a problem. I don't have a state issued id so I use my military id EVERYWHERE and I've NEVER had an issue.

My god I am livid. Seriously pissed. I am from this day forward boycotting EZ Mart. Any store or person who won't accept a military id can kiss my ass!


Anonymous said...

Oh Jaime...because I am your bloggy friend I am going to say's time to quit girl...that is a sure sign that you don't need to smoke...they were doing you a favor! :) Please don't hate me for saying it but stop smoking!! :)

Jaime said...

I know I do. Ughhh trust me I know...I even have the meds to start on to help me. I am going to quit and soon but today is not the day!!! And I'm sure once I quit you will be able to tell because I'll be bitching about everything under the sun lol!

Jimme said...

THANK YOU mirgraine mom I have been telling her this for a little over 5 years... about dj timish :):) i love my jaime but really STOP SMOKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jaime said...

OK, ya'll are missing my point. No more talking about me smoking. Yes it's bad...I know this. I HATE smoking..its gross but lets get back to my post!!!!!!!! Those ASSHOLES wouldn't take my ID...Im so pissed!

Jimme said...

lmao i love you and i think we got y you were mad we just needed you to know its time lol love you havin a great day on my end hope your online soon :)

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